Regional RoundTable Mediterranean Sustainable Energy Investment Forum
Good practices and innovative funding mechanisms addressed to both buildings and appliances have been presented. The goal is to facilitate the discussion among relevant stakeholders to identify barriers and single out the enabling conditions and necessary changes in the national legal frameworks to develop a conducive business environment.
- Edoardo Pandolfi, ENEA
Speakers: (Click here for bios)
Opening Remarks – Green finance for energy transition
- Fethi El Hanchi, General Director, ANME
- Merouane Chabane, General Director, APRUE
- Roberta Boniotti, MEDENER
- Jauad El Kharraz, RCREEE
Panel 1: Output from the MED SEI Forums
- Maged Mahmoud, RCREEE, Decentralised SE systems financing challenges: takeaways from MED SEI forums (Download PDF)
- Afef Jafaar, NDC Action Plan, Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy-Tunisia (Download PDF)
- Kamal Dali, APRUE, Algeria
- Faten Lassoued, Responsible RSE, Conseil Bancaire et Financier, Tunisia, Best practices IFIs in Tunisia (Download PDF)
- Taghreed Saeed, General Manager for EE and Climate Change Department, Egyptian Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy, Egypt (Download PDF)
- Firas Alawneh, Director of National Energy Research Centre, Jordan (Download PDF)
- Fatima Naser, JREEEF, Jordan (Download PDF)
MED SEI Forum Panel 2: The innovative funding
Moderator: Hassen El Agrebi, ANME
Speakers: (Click here for bios)
- Dario Trombetta, EU Delegation Tunisia
- Amine Chtioui, GIZ, Financial mechanisms for energy efficiency
- Firas Merhi, EBRD, Insights from EBRD (online)
- Mohamed Ali Safi, ANME, Tunisia
- Guillaume Monceaux, AFD – PEEB-Cool (Download PDF)
- Abdelkader Baccouche, ANME, PEEB Cool-Tunisia initiative (Download PDF)
- Khalid Salmi, RCREEE
Synergies between PEEB MED and meetMED Programs
Moderator: Agathe Lacombe, ADEME
- Milou Beerepoot, Programme Manager, Energy, EC DG NEAR (Download PDF)
- Juliette Jestin, PEEB-Med presentation, AFD (Download PDF)
- Audrey François, Infrastructure projects, Tunis-AFD
- Rayan Mourtada, Regional Officer, MEDENER (Download PDF)
Shaping a Sustainable Future: A Comparative Analysis of District Cooling in the Region
- Highlights of the upcoming report on the district cooling, Mostafa Hasaneen, RCREEE (Download PDF)
- Abderrahmen Mahfoudhi, ANME, Tunisia
- Fairouz Ramli, Kamal Lamiri, APRUE, Algeria
- Adnan Jouni, ALMEE, Lebanon (Download PDF)
- Haitham Atta, ACUD, Egypt
- Ahmad Al Daraneh, RSS, Jordan
Technical Session: From Waste to Resources: Presenting Fact Sheets on Appliances Scrapping
Moderator: Ahmed Abdulrasoul, RCREEE (Download PDF)
Speakers: (Click here for bios)
Presentation on regional status of appliances scrapping
- Sabine Saad, ALMEE, Lebanon
- Mohamed Ali, RCREEE, Egypt
- Mohammad Mosleh, NERC/RSS, Jordan
- Kamel Lamiri, APRUE, Algeria
Technical Session: Solutions for Sustainable Cooling: the National Cooling Action Plan
Moderator: Nadia El Masry, RCREEE
- Eslam Mahdy, Cool Up Programme, Guidehouse: Insights from Cool Up Programme: Policy instruments and the National Cooling Action Plans
- Mohamed Hijazi, LCEC, Lebanon: Cool Up activities in Lebanon with focus on national policies (NEAP, REAP, NCAP and the relevance of cooling measures)
- Nidal Abdalla, RSS, Jordan, the national cooling strategy, national cooling action plan
- Abderrahmen Mahfoudhi, ANME, Tunisia
Technical Session: Driving Sustainable Growth: A Comprehensive Guidebook on Financing Capabilities for Energy Efficiency Projects
Moderator: Edoardo Pandolfi, ENEA
Speakers: (Click here for bios)
- Eman Adel, RCREEE, Country highlights from the Financing Capability Guidebook
- Mohamed Hijazi, LCEC, Lebanon (Download PDF)
- Moncef Njeimi, ANME, Tunisia, Le Fonds de Transition Energétique ( FTE) :Nouvelles opportunités de financement pour les projets de maitrise de l’énergie (Download PDF)
- Fatima Naser, JREEEF, Jordan, JREEEF Financial Mechanism (Download PDF)
Journalist Ambassadors Days of the Energy Transition
Moderator & speaker: Abderahmen MAHFOUDHI
- Presentation of the energy efficiency context in the building sector in Tunisia
- Presentation of EE programs in the Building sector (Tunisia)
- Energy Transition Fund interventions for the benefit of EE in the building sector
Exchanges and discussions
- DHC (District heating and cooling) program in Tunisia
- Energy Certification Program for household appliances
Moderator: Rayan Mourtada, MEDENER
Speakers: (Click here for bios)
- Adel Mourtada, ALMEE, GRASSMed
- Hussam Al Herafi, RCREEE, Energy Efficiency Finance Platform in the SMECs (Download PDF)
- Selen Inal, EcoMuse Consulting
- Alessandra Gugliandolo, ENEA, Focus on the audit tool for energy management in schools
- Riadh Bhar, Guidehouse, Germany, Build Me
- Rima Sorour, Vice President Lebanon Green Building Council (LGBC), Insights on Green Buildings Labelling
Closing Plenary
- meetMED Week Declaration – Key Messages & Recommendations
- Fethi El Hanchi, General Director, ANME
- Merouane Chabane, General Director, APRUE
- Roberta Boniotti, MEDENER
- Jauad El Kharraz, RCREEE
Closing remarks from Milou Beerepoot, DG NEAR, EU Commission