Egypt National RoundTable within the Mediterranean Sustainable Energy Investment Forums

In the framework of the meetMED II “Mitigation Enabling Energy Transition in the Mediterranean region,” project funded by the European Union, MEDENER, and RCREEE in cooperation with the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development – ENEA are jointly organising Egypt National RoundTable within the Mediterranean Sustainable Energy Investment Forums” on September 30th, 2024, in Cairo.

Bringing together representatives from Egyptian ministries, public agencies, and financial/banking institutions as well as international cooperation organizations, the insurance sector, industrial clusters, and other stakeholders involved in sustainable investment and energy efficiency.

Using the successful experience of Sustainable Energy Investment Forums in Europe as a reference, meetMED II aims at establishing a series of regional/national roundtables by gathering banks, financial partners, public authorities, and all stakeholders involved in delivering investments in sustainable energy in order to:

  • Map and engage all relevant public and private stakeholders in the reference country.
  • Map relevant financial tools, measures, and initiatives in the reference country.
  • Improve the visibility of existing public funds.
  • Discuss how to enhance access to finance for energy efficiency projects and overcome current barriers.
  • Present good practices and innovative funding mechanisms addressed to both buildings and appliances. Discuss ways to replicate and scale up them.
  • Identify projects that could be funded thanks to the project’s technical assistance.
  • Establish a permanent and high-level national platform for discussion and exchange of information, experiences, and good practices

The MED SEI Forum was formally launched by the Secretary General of MEDENER, the Activity Leader from ENEA, and the Technical Director of RCREEE. It was divided into 3 sessions during which the Egyptian Energy Transition Funds were discussed and several case studies and success stories on financing the energy transition in Egypt were presented. One of the 3 sessions was a working group discussions dedicated to discussing innovative methods for improving access to finance. The working groups were formulated from the private sector, public sector, and commercial banks.

The National Roundtable in Egypt – MED SEI Forums is part of a series of 5 national roundtables organised within the MED SEI Forums, setting up an example to be replicated by the other countries. In particular, three regional roundtables will be held within the three editions of meetMED Weeks – the project’s largest annual gathering dedicated to regional EE & RE, and five in other national events.

So far, the first regional roundtable took place in March as part of meetMED Week 2022while the second regional version was organised in May on the sidelines of meetMED WEEK 2023. In addition to four national roundtables held in Amman, Jordan (June 2022), Rabat, Morocco (October 2022),  Cairo, Egypt (February 2023),  Algiers, Algeria (October 2023) and Tunis, Tunisia (February 2024). 

Typically, the roundtables will expectantly become a permanent forum to facilitate and enhance the dialogue among the different participants, promote brainstorming, and identify solutions and best practices.


Sep 30 2024


8:00 am - 6:00 pm




Cairo, Egypt