Regional Expert Network
The Regional Expert Network (meetMED REN) gathers energy experts from energy governmental agencies and departments of 13 Mediterranean countries.
The meetMED REN experts work together to achieve a twofold end: on the one side, strengthening and multiplying technical expertise to support the national governments to implement EE and RE policies and measures; on the other side, creating regional tools, such as regulatory and monitoring ones, in order to overcome bottlenecks, which might hamper the transition to cleaner energy at the national level.
The meetMED REN experts are responsible for elaborating country policy papers and regional reports, which are discussed in regional workshops and, once published, made available on meetMED website.
The meetMED REN is a unique initiative with the potential for facilitating a faster energy transition in the Mediterranean region, inasmuch as it shares experiences, builds capacity and recommends national and regional solutions to accelerate the energy transition in the Mediterranean region. The REN is composed of four different regional task forces, focusing on:
1) EE and RE strategies and policies
2) EE in buildings
3) EE in appliances
4) EE and RE monitoring indicators.
French Environment and Energy Management Agency - ADEME

Didier Bosseboeuf
Economist with more than 30 years of experience on energy demand analysis and energy efficiency policies evaluation, at ADEME D. Bosseboeuf is in charge of international studies, coordinating several international projects on energy efficiency indicators such as ODYSSEE-MURE for the European Commission and Med-Ind for MEDENER. He has applied the EE indicators methodology in more than 60 countries. He is general secretary of the WEC energy efficiency policy network, French delegate at the EED CA, EEWP/IEA, and EED committee, convenor for ISO 257 on energy saving calculation. He has been in the French delegation on climate change for 10 years. He is ECREEE board member. He is lecturer in five universities and IFDD and has published more than 30 articles on energy efficiency evaluation and published several books. He is graduated from Paris University and got a PHD in Energy Economics in Grenoble University.

Thierry Meraud
Specialist in EE in buildings and regulation framework in the Mediterranean, T. Meraud is an international expert who has been involved in numerous partnerships and projects in the region. With 35 years’ experience on energy efficiency, he handles topics such as energy and environment planning, strategic studies and capacity building. From 2012 to 2014, he was project manager of a twinning program with Morocco (ADEME/BMWi-AMEE (ex-ADEREE)). Since 2007, he is working at the International affairs division of ADEME.

Agathe Lacombe
Agathe Lacombe is an international project manager who graduated from Sciences Po Paris (Institute of Political Studies). She holds a master’s degree in Governance and Sustainable Development of Large Metropolises and has been working in Senegal (2017) on the implementation of the first public urban transportation system of the Dakar region (Bus Rapid Transit) financed by the World Bank. She was then in charge of implementing the PEEB (Programme for Energy Efficiency in Buildings) in Senegal. The PEEB in an international initiative put in place by the AFD, ADEME and GIZ, which combine financing with technical and institutional assistance to support developing countries in their transition to low-carbon and resilient building sector. Her skills are particularly focused on policy implementation, capacity building, policy analysis and studies.

Alicia Tsitsikalis
Socio-economist and policy framework analyst, A. Tsitsikalis graduated from the Institute of the Political Studies (IEP) of Paris and holds a master’s degree in Industrial development and project evaluation from the IEDES-Sorbonne in Paris. She has been working for 12 years for an international NGO, the GRET, both on the field – Mauritania (2006-2009) and Cambodia (2015-2017) – and in the headquarters, undertaking several missions on water, sanitation and solid waste management projects in several low-income countries in Africa and Asia. Since 2018, she has been working for the French Agency for Environment and Energy Management (ADEME), where she is responsible for regional cooperation in Mediterranean and African countries. Her skills are particularly focused on economic development, environmental issues and access to basic services in urban and semi-urban areas (water, sanitation, solid waste management). Her fields of expertise are related to governance issues and policy implementation on environment related topics (governance, economic management, capacity building, transverse studies and diagnosis).
Portuguese Energy Agency - ADENE
Cláudia Sousa Monteiro
Cláudia is an architect and holds a P.hD in Sustainable Energy Systems (MIT Portugal, IST). With +10 years of experience, she is currently working at ADENE – Portuguese Energy Agency, as Project Manager of several national and international projects related to the building stock and the development of future EPC schemes and applications on sustainable cities. She is also Core Team Assistant for Certification and Training at the CA EPBD V (Concerted Action) and part of the Coordinating Group responsible for Portuguese Long-Term Renovation strategy (LTRS) implementation. In the past years, she has participated in several national and international research projects related to urban building energy modeling and urban building databases supporting smart cities. She is also a member of IN+, Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research, IST, Universidade de Lisboa.
Joana Fernandes
Environmental Engineer (Technical University of Lisbon), where she also concluded a Master’s in Engineering and Technology Management. Post-graduation in Energy and Energy Efficiency at IQS, in Solar Energy at SGS PT, and Accounting and Finances at Católica Lisbon School. Concluded the curricular year of the Sustainable Energy Systems Programme within the MIT Portugal initiative in partnership with IST and ISEG (School of Economics and Management). In 2018 finish a Specialization Degree in Public Policies Evaluation at ISCTE-IUL (University Institute of Lisbon).
Energy expert with 15 years of experience in International and European cooperation projects in the fields of urban planning, energy efficiency in buildings, and renewable technologies, namely focusing on energy empowerment and user behaviour change. Cooperates with ADENE since 2012, being responsible for the management of several projects in key technical areas as energy efficiency in buildings and urban environment, RES exploitation, and professionals training in energy, energy labelling initiatives.
Rui Fragoso
R. Fragoso graduated in Civil Engineering at IST (1998-2002) and obtained a post graduate degree in Planning and Sustainable Construction from the Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa in 2005 as well as one in Building Acoustics from the Faculty of Engineering of Universidade Católica Portuguesa in 2009. Since 2008, he has been an Energy Expert of the National Energy Performance Certification System. Working in ADENE since 2010, until 2012 he has been an Energy Performance Certification (EPC) System Quality Assessment Auditor, mainly dealing with the monitoring and supervision of the system as well as with the implementation and monitoring of a dedicated software for the verification of calculation methods. Currently, he is Head of the Buildings Department and manager of the Buildings Energy Certification System. He has also been coordinating ADENE’s participation in several European and International projects (IEE – CA-EPBD, IEE – Resquest2Action, IEA EBC – Annex 56, etc.), and he has served as EnR Buildings Working Group Chair.
Inês Mendes
I. Mendes graduated in Energy and Environmental Engineering from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon. Currently working in the Institutional and International Relations Department at ADENE, she deals mainly with energy efficiency projects in cooperation with National and European energy agencies. Inês has also experience working in the services sector, namely in the maintenance of technical installations for the industry and tertiary sectors.
Pedro Quaresma
Pedro holds a master’s in mechanical engineering with a specialization in Energy. He began his professional career as a Consultant in Energy Efficiency, specifically in the elaboration of Energy Diagnostics and Audits, as well as in the execution of Energy Certificates within the scope of the SCE. In ADENE, belonging to the AP unit provides technical support in the development and implementation of energy efficiency contracts within the scope of the ECO.AP Program, namely in the performance of Energy Audits, execution and preparation of Costs and Procedures Plan. In addition, he has the qualifications of CMVP and Qualified Expert.
Gorete Soares
Gorete holds degree in Mechanical Engineering – Industrial Energy (Minho University), a postgraduate degree in Energy Management and Energy Efficiency, specialization in Pedagogical Coordination of Training and Certification as an instructor under the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP®️).
She has 20 years of experience in coordinating, managing, implementing, and monitoring projects concerning the promotion of resources efficiency, including energy efficiency and renewable energies, at local, regional, national, and European levels. After joining ADENE, in 2017, the coordination of the ECO.AP Mission Unit (Energy Efficiency in Public Administration Program), the ADENE Academy, and Project Coordination of nation Projects.
Since October 2020 she is the coordinator of Energy Efficiency in the Public Administration Area, integrated with the Programs and Initiatives Direction, with the responsibility of operational coordination of ECO.AP 2030 (Resources Efficiency in Public Administration Program).
Previously developed functions in the Agency of Energy and Environment of Vale do Ave (AEAVE), in the Regional Agency of Energy and Environment of the Autonomous Region of Madeira (AREAM), and collaborated with the University of Madeira ministering two disciplines.
Luís Silva
L. Silva graduated in Mining Engineering from the Technical University of Lisbon, where he also obtained his postgraduate degree in Energy Policy, Planning and Economics and Business Management. He joined ADENE in 1992 and is currently Head of the Institutional and International Affairs Department, where he takes care of all the activities related to European and national projects, aiming at promoting energy efficiency and best practices. Luís has experience working in various projects on dissemination, outreach and network management activities (e.g., OPET), as well as initiatives aimed at implementing the Portuguese NEEAP, including programmes to increase the use of solar thermal systems in buildings (IP-AQSpP, MST 2009) and to improve energy efficiency in the public administration sector (Eco.AP). Luís is also ADENE’s representative for the European (EnR) and Mediterranean (MEDENER) networks of national energy agencies as well as member of management bodies of many Portuguese local and regional energy agencies, on behalf of ADENE.
Pedro Cardoso
P. Cardoso is a team member of the Projects Department of ADENE, where he develops water efficiency and water-energy nexus projects.
With a degree in environmental engineering and a master’s degree in bioenergy, he is currently enrolled in the MIT-Portugal doctoral programme. He is working on the thesis to establish a water-energy nexus assessment methodology for buildings.
Diogo Beirão
D. Beirão is graduated in Electrotechnical Engineering in Universidade de Coimbra in 1982 and acquired competencies in Energy Politics, Economy, and Planning in a Master organized by Technical University of Lisbon (1988). From 1985 to 1988, he was technical manager for the energy sector at the Directorate for Industry and Energy of the Republic of São Tomé e Príncipe. He joined CCE (later on ADENE) in 1991, being responsible for the management of promotional and training activities, initiatives, and projects at national and European levels that included activities such as National Contact Point for GreenLight and GreenBuilding Programmes. In 2007, as Training Manager at the Technical Department, took charge of the planning and organisation of training actions for the implementation of the National System for Energy and Indoor Air Quality Certification of Buildings. Since 2019, was a technician at the Cooperation and Institutional Affairs Unit, being responsible for planning and organization of events, as well as giving support to activities related to communication and public relations. Presently, ensure the representation of ADENE in networks and/or organizations, the support to cooperation activities and initiatives, and the management of European projects (Interreg, H2020 Programmes, Erasmus+, etc.).
João Cleto
João is an Environmental Engineer, a post-graduate in Territorial and Environmental Planning, with MSc in Environmental Systems Management and Analysis
Started working in a research institute at NOVA University, currently CENSE (Centre for Environmental and Sustainability Research) building bottom-up energy/economy models at the national level to support the decision-making process and keep track of national paths to climate targets. Up until early 2022, he was in the Local Energy Management Agency of Almada coordinating several local, national, and European projects in climate change local action, energy efficiency in buildings, renewable energies, efficient public lighting innovative climate financing models, and community engagement. Currently, he is at ADENE, the Portuguese energy agency, focusing on innovation projects on the buildings sector, namely projects related to the Building Renovation Passport (iBRoad2EPC), the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI2MARKET) and coordinates the Concerted Action on Buildings of the MeetMED II project aiming to enhance the energy security of beneficiary countries (namely Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia).
Claudia Vitorino
Claudia graduated in International Relations from the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Lisbon. She has had a diverse career path working in different areas such as energy, cooperation, procurement, and international trade and investment. Since September 2023 she has been a technical expert in the Cooperation and Institutional Affairs Department at ADENE, where she has been mainly focused on cooperation activities at the international level, working on projects and events with international partners, namely as acting activity leader in two meetMED II activities (A.3.1.1 and A.3.2.2).
Maria Albuquerque
Maria has a Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering from NOVA School of Science and Technology | FCT NOVA.
During the development of the master’s thesis, Maria began working at Ana Salgueiro Consulting for Sustainability, supporting the management of the Environmental Fund’s Notices for Energy Efficiency in Residential Buildings, assessing the environmental legal compliance of an industrial company, supporting the design and implementation of sustainability action plans for companies in the tourism sector and local verification of projects funded by EEA Grants.
Currently, Maria is a technical expert in the Cooperation and Institutional Affairs Department at ADENE – Portuguese energy agency – where she works mainly on national cooperation – National Coordination of the Covenant of Mayors – and international cooperation – supporting the Concerted Action on Buildings (A2.2), Water-Energy Nexus (A3.1.3) and Twinnings Agreements (A3.2.2) activities of meetMED II project.
Lebanese Energy Management and Environment Association - ALMEE
Said Chéhab
S. Chéhab is the President of the Lebanese Energy Management and Environment Association (ALMEE). He also teaches Energy Performance of Buildings and Renewable Energies at the Ecole Supérieure d’Ingénieurs of Beirut – Saint-Joseph University. Mr Chehab holds a degree in Engineering from the Ecole Supérieure d’Ingénieurs of Beirut – Saint-Joseph University and a Diplôme d’Ingénieur from the Arts et Métiers ParisTech in Paris, France. In addition, he obtained a Diploma of Advanced Studies in Economics and Energy Planning from the Institut d’Economie et de Politique de l’Energie in Grenoble, France.
Mohamed Nizar Hmadi
M. Hmadi is a mechanical engineer graduated with honors from the Lebanese University, Faculty of Engineering. After earning the master’s degree, currently he is completing a PhD in Renewable Energies, which is an educational cooperation between the Doctoral School of Science and Technology (EDST, Lebanese University) and Higher School of Engineering in Beirut (ESIB, Saint Joseph University USJ). His PhD thesis is titled “Towards Near Zero Thermal Energy Smart Village in the Gulf Region” and was funded by the Lebanese Association for Energy Saving and for Environment (ALMEE). He has participated in international conferences and published in the ASHRAE Journal and IEEE Explorer. He got the title of Certified Energy Manager (CEM, ID: 94791) from the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) and a Leadership in Energy Efficiency Design (LEED GA, ID: 11149443) from the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). He has more than 5 years’ experience in HVAC, Public Health, and Firefighting design as well as in consultancy services in the building sector. He also worked on designing full solar cooling, heating, and domestic hot water systems, especially on those submitted to King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy (KACARE) or performed by the General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA). He has been working as RE Expert at ALMEE since 2015, where he is currently participating in several activities of the meetMED project.
Adnan Jouni
A. JOUNI is a Doctor Engineer specialised in Energy and Industrial fields, with a long experience as engineer in research, development and technology transfer at HEI- Energy Center (LILLE France). His expertise involves many energy sectors, including renewable energy, energy conservation, heat transfer and recovery, cogeneration, water distribution, HVAC for building, energy efficiency enhancement and innovative technical solutions. In 2001, he became advisor to the Lebanese Minister of energy and water and, in 2002, he was the LCECP project manager launching the first national project for energy conservation and planning in Lebanon. In 2005, he was appointed advisor to the minister of energy and water for the second time and became responsible for the implementation of a national action plan to promote energy conservation issues in Lebanon. In 2007, UNDP recruited him as Local Back Stopper in order to boost the EE and RE activities and to secure the creation of the National Energy Conservation Center. Since 2009, Dr Jouni has been an EE & RE Expert in the frame of several projects and programs at the European and international level, such as RESSOL-MEDBUILD, EE Indicators for Mediterranean Countries Project, Tunisian Environment and Energy Program (PEE), the Lebanese Component of MENA Star Program, and the meetMED Project.
Tony Matar
T. Matar is founder member and technical advisor of ALMEE since 1992. There, ha assists in developing many energy-related projects as well as in preparing and editing more than 20 bulletins on, among others, energy savings, renewable energy, energy audit, state of the energy in Lebanon. He has been involved in many European and bilateral projects, including CLEANERTEC, MED-ALGAE, RESSOL,SOLATERM, HYPA, Mediterranean Energy Information Network (in partnership with CRES) and Energy and Urban Environment in the Mediterranean Countries (in partnership with IDAE). He is founder member of the Mediterranean Association of the National Agencies for Energy Conservation (MEDENER) and member of the co-ordinating committee and mitigation technical team for the “Climate Change Enabling Activity” project in Lebanon.
Adel Mourtada
A. Mourtada has 25 years’ experience as international expert in energy and climate change. He holds a degree in Building Sciences and completed two PhDs in Energetic and energy conversion in France. He is Director of Research in the field of RE & EE at the Lebanese University and Member of the Board of Directors of MEDENER and of the Lebanese Association for Energy Saving and for Environment (ALMEE), as well as of other energy associations such as the Lebanese Green Buildings Council (LGBC). He developed EE Building codes and green building rating systems for several countries (Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, Ivory Coast, etc.) and he carried out several market assessments to evaluate the potential of EE & RE projects and to better understand the barriers that have so far hindered the growth of RE, EE and environmental investments. Mr Mourtada has been participating in more than 50 international and ENPI CBC projects and he has published more than 100 articles in peer journals and symposia proceedings in the field of EE, RE, and prospective studies.
Rayan Mourtada
R. Mourtada is an energy consultant and member of ALMEE. With 5 years of relevant experience, in the past years he has worked for both private sector and NGOs. Having a solid background in computer science, he also holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and is currently completing an MBA in Finance. He has taken part in the development of the Building Energy Simplified Compliance Tool (TSBC) and is currently developing the GRASSmed certification. In addition, he has participated in many EE trainings in Lebanon, North Africa and West Africa.
Rita Najjar
R. Najjar works as key expert for the EU-funded project “Production of biodiesel from Algae in selected Mediterranean Countries – MED-ALGAE, ENPI”. Having previously worked on research development in the RE field for many projects between CEA-France and international partners, she currently takes care of the maintenance of the partnerships between ALMEE and international institutions, such as IMEDER and MEDENER. In her experience, Dr Najjar has organized several trainings on EE and RE for the public and private sector; in addition, she created a network in the frame of the MED-ALGAE project, aiming at reviewing the RE and EE institutional frameworks in Southern Mediterranean countries.
Maram Ammar
Maram is a mechanical engineer who graduated from the Lebanese University, Faculty of Engineering. She is currently completing her Master’s degree in Applied Energy at the American University of Beirut. She has completed 3 projects in energy auditing, and she has participated in a regional project on up-scaling energy efficiency in the buildings of the residential and tertiary sectors in the Arab region. She is also familiar with the provisions of the Lebanese green building rating system GRASS.
Sabine Saad
Specialist in Renewable Energy and Sustainability, Sabine SAAD is an expert who has been involved in many projects related to this field in Lebanon and the region. She handled topics such as energy policies at the municipal level, establishing sustainable energy action plans, implementation, and evaluation, and she has developed a new tool for this purpose. She mostly worked on mitigation, energy efficiency, GHG emissions reduction, solid waste management, as well as training and awareness seminars and workshops in such fields. She is graduated from the Faculty of Engineering of the Lebanese University, got a Ph.D. in Renewable Energy and Sustainability in both the Lebanese University and Saint-Joseph University.
Anissia Beainy
Expert in the Power and Energy Field, Anissia Beainy, has an extensive experience of 20 years of dealing in MV and LV power systems, substations, and energy management. She had the chance to be part of the power supply team on the PEARL GTL plants in Qatar as part of a joint venture with Siemens and handled several power projects in Lebanon and Nigeria. Mrs. Beainy has previously taught as an Instructor at Lebanese American University in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty for five years. Currently, she acts as a mentor and supervisor to students undergoing renewable energies masters with St. Joseph University of Beirut. She is part of ALMEE’s team of energy and environmental experts involved in several projects related to energy policies, renewable energy solutions, energy action plans, and green building certifications.
Mrs. Beainy has a degree in electrical engineering from the Lebanese university, a research masters in renewable energies from St. Joseph University of Beirut, and a joint Ph.D. in Electrical and Energetics Engineering from St. Joseph University of Beirut and Lebanese University. Her fields of interest and study are Hydrogen Fuel cells, Wind Power and Solar power, Signal processing, and Energy Management. Several publications of her can be found in International conference proceedings and Scientific Journals.
Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency - AMEE
Radouan Yessouf
R. Yessouf is a Certified Energy Manager CEM, specialized in building energy, graduated from the University of Liège in Belgium. He joined the Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency AMEE in 2012 as manager of Energy Efficiency in Buildings. He was the coordinator of the Regional Program for the Development of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the Oriental Region in Morocco, led by ADEREE and UNDP. He is a certified trainer in energy in buildings and supervisor of several master’s theses and final dissertations. He is also president of an association for local development and environmental protection.
Amine Ahmarras
Amine is an Engineer in Energy Systems and Industrial Processes, managed many energy audit programs and technical projects, especially in the energy efficiency in the industry field; after then, he occupied the position of training service manager within AMEE. He has followed several training courses and received several certifications:
MEPS training: AIE
CMVP Certification: AEE
CEM Certification: AEE
ISO 50001 Certification: UNIDO
TAQAPRO Certification: AMEE
Souad Bounfour
Souad is the Head of Cooperation Services, with 30 years of experience in the field of Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency within a diverse and dynamic team. Graduated in Strategic Management, possessing a solid theoretical foundation, and demonstrating a high capacity to adapt and solve complex problems to achieve set objectives. |
Manal Amhalchy
Manal is currently an energy engineer at the strategy and development department of the Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency (AMEE). She holds a degree in energy engineering and has experience in the HVAC sector of buildings. |
Tunisian National Agency for Energy Conservation – ANME
Afef JAAFAR has Master’s degree in international Economics and finance.
She has more than 13 years experience with energy and climate policies.
She coordinates strategic studies related to EE and RE and mitigation activities including the development of NDC and LEDS in the energy sector and has a long experience with carbon pricing policies.
Abdelkader Baccouche
A. Baccouche is a process engineer, project manager, senior energy efficiency expert, senior solar energy expert, market creation and development specialist as well as energy management expert, who has worked for ANME since 2001. At ANME, he is currently Solar Energy Deputy Director, Head of PROSOL Tertiary and Industry Unit; previously, he was in charge of EE programs in municipalities (until 2005) and in the industrial sector (until 2008). For more than 15 years, he has been a technical expert and project manager in many multilateral and bilateral cooperation projects (among others, MEDDESIRE, DASTII, PROSOL Industry, ESCO development program, PEEI, Task force IGCE…). He is certified IRCA (International Register of Certificated Auditors), ISO 50001 auditor, EVO CMVP certified expert on the international protocol of measurement and verification as well as European Energy Manager, EUREM certified and expert trainer in the field of solar thermal energy, certified by RENAC Berlin (Renewable Energy Academy). Furthermore, he participated as speaker/moderator in several important national and international conferences (e.g. Ecomed 2019 Catania, WB MENA CSP KIP workshop Jordan 2018, SolarTr 2016 Istanbul, IAE SHC 2015 Istanbul), and held trainings on renewable energy and EE for more than 500 engineers, decisions makers, installers, experts, journalists and students.
Nadia Bchini
Graduated in Languages, N. Bchini has been working at the National Agency for Energy Conservation (ANME) for the past 15 years. There, she coordinates projects related to energy efficiency and renewable energies in the International Cooperation Department, she is in charge of the communication activities related to the international cooperation and she is actively involved in MEDENER activities. In addition, since 2011 she has been the Head of Department for Bilateral Cooperation. At the beginning of her career, she worked for the Mediterranean Centre of Renewable Energies (MEDREC) as a project assistant. Her areas of expertise include preparation and redaction of Cooperation Agreements/Memorandum of Understanding, as well as monitoring and management of European projects, and translation of general and technical documents related to solar water heating systems, cogeneration, CSP, Energy Efficiency, among others.
Imen Kammoun
Imen KAMOUN graduated in project Management. In 2002 she started her career at the National Agency for Energy Conservation (ANME) as financial officer in charge of the payment authorizing for several projects and programs financed by the state or by donors in the energy sector. After a couple of years she worked on the management of the energy efficiency project in the industrial sector financed by the World Bank. In 2010; she worked on the monitoring and contractual and financial management of program contracts in the industrial sector. Since 2020, she has been in charge of the three-year awareness and communication program in the field of energy management.
Hassen El Agrebi
H. El Agrebi holds a master’s degree in International Project Engineering and Human Resources and a master’s degree in Management of Organizations, option Finance. He has spent almost 20 years in the National Agency for Energy Conservation (ANME), where he worked in the field of Energy Management. Currently, he is Head of the International Cooperation Department, co-Director of the Mediterranean Centre of Renewable Energy (MEDREC) since 2016, as well as contact point of MEDENER and member of its Board of Directors. Furthermore, he has taken part in the UfM regional dialogue on energy issues and in the launch of the Energy Platforms since the beginning and now he is the Tunisian focal point for the UfM REEE platform, IRENA and RCREEE. He contributed to the launch of the African Association of the institutions in charge of energy management (AFRENER), active since November 2017 and to several cooperation projects with European and African institutional partners. For this reason, he has been National Director of the UNDP-ANME Cooperation Project (2009) “Support to the implementation of the quadrennial Energy Management Program (2008-2011)”, Deputy Manager of the UNDP-ANME project “capacity building of the IGCE and Cogeneration Task Forces” (2005), and now he is the contact point of the meetMED project.
Fatma TRAD
Fatma Trad is currently in charge of the communication and training department at ANME. Graduated in quantitative methods and then a master’s degree in entrepreneurship and business creation. She worked for a decade in the audiovisual field (radio and television). In 2004 she held the position of regional coordinator of a training program for business creation, then in 2006 expert and coordinator of the FAMEE program: training of environmental micro-enterprises initiated by GIZ on behalf of the Ministry of the Environment. In 2008, she joined the ANME to hold several positions still within the communication department
Nafâa BACCARI is the Head of Renewable Energy Department at ANME; he has 23 years of Renewable Energy experience in ANME where he has held several managerial roles in PV and Wind. He is the President and co-founder of the Tunisian Wind Energy Association. He is an energy engineer graduated from a Monastir Engineering School. He speaks Arabic, French and English.
Souheil Ksouri
S. Ksouri is an energy engineer specialized in thermal energy. He is Head of Solar Thermal Department at ANME, where he has been working for more than eleven years. He has a strong experience in RE projects and mainly in technical feasibility, procedural, financial evaluation and execution of projects. He was involved in many multilateral and bilateral cooperation project as technical expert (among others, MEDDESIRE, DASTII, PROSOL). He achieved many training sessions on solar thermal application and participated in the animation of national and international conferences on solar energy. In 2016, Mr. Ksouri has contributed to the implementation of the energy management system according to the requirements of ISO 50001: 2011 in national industrial plants.
Mohamed Ali Safi
Since 2013, M. A. Safi has worked as Head of the Energy Efficiency in the Industry Unit at ANME. He has more than 14 years of experience in project management, especially in the field of energy management. Currently, he is in charge of the Energy Efficiency Program in the Industrial Sector, aimed at assisting the entrepreneurs in the identification, implementation and follow-up of energy efficiency actions. He monitors and evaluates energy audits and the realization of the industrial programs. He also manages cooperation programs with international institutions such as GIZ, the World Bank and the Agence Française de Development (AFD).
Wassim BOUNENNI is an Energy Engineer and holds a Master’s degree in International Development from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (South Korea – Seoul). He is an Energy Efficiency Expert in the industrial sector with 13 years of experience, including 09 years at the National Agency for energy conservation, where he works in achieving the centre’s goals of spreading the new technology which reduce energy consumption by using clean energy systems and increasing the adoption of renewable energies in the country. has extensive experience in supervising and managing business energy efficiency programs and policy planning initiatives; has the ability to facilitate partnership between public and private groups in advocating for sustainable in-state energy practices; a key person who promote the state’s business energy efficiency program planning and green technology development, thus enabling him to gain an intimate knowledge of the complete process starting from designing an Energy Efficiency strategy to its implementation.
Imed TRiki
Energy Engineer, since 2013 he has been working at the ANME in the field of energy efficiency in the new buildings and public buildings. He has a strong experience in HVAC, plumbing, fire fighting system, energy audit of new buildings, building energy efficiency, innovative construction materials, energy saving.
Fethi Hanchi
Fethi Hanchi has been the Director of the rational use of energy division within Tunisia’s National Agency for Energy Conservation (ANME) since 02/2011. As such, he has managed and coordinated energy efficiency programmes and activities in the tertiary, residential, building, and transport sectors in Tunisia. His portfolio also includes a national programme for energy efficiency in the public sector, energy efficiency conventions with local authorities, and national and Mediterranean cooperation projects.
A mechanical engineer by training, Fethi Hanchi has more than 20 years of experience in energy efficiency. He has been actively involved in the energy sector reform in Tunisia and contributed to designing, implementing, and evaluating energy efficiency programmes in the country.
He has a solid track record in energy efficiency’s economic and managerial aspects. He successfully managed numerous projects and complex programs in the field, both at the national and international levels.
From March 2019, he is nominated as the Central Technical Manager in the ANME. And from 2020, he is nominated as the Director General of ANME.
Mouna BESBES is graduated in management from the higher institute of management of Tunis.
In September 2011, Mouna BESBES started working with the UNDP for more than three years on behalf of ANME as a project assistant. She was in charge of the management of activities and studies released under the “information centre on sustainable energy and the environment- CIEDE” project.
Just after she integrated the ANME where she is currently working in the Studies, programming and evaluation Directorate in management and coordination of studies in the field of energy conservation and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.
Hajer HENI
Hajer HENI is a mechatronic Engineer with 12 years of experience. Her first experience was in the Department of Quality and Consumer Protection at the Ministry of Trade, where she worked on import control of products and her tasks were essentially the follow-up of process of control of the imported products, the representation of the Ministry of trade in working committees at national and regional level, the participation in the development of regulatory texts.
She joined ANME at July 2022 and she is currently working on monitoring of the various projects carried out at the level of the Energy Efficiency Department in the Buildings sector.
Algerian National Agency for the Promotion and Rationalisation of Energy Use - APRUE
Chems Eddine DIAB
C. E. Diab holds a master’s degree in process engineering, with specialization in sustainable development and environment. Currently, he works at APRUE on several energy efficiency projects registered in the national energy management program, focusing on the installation of solar water heaters in buildings as well as on the promotion of LED lighting in municipalities. Mr Diab is also working with national and international experts on reviewing and developing the institutional framework for RE and EE.
Nadia Djelouah
N. Djelouah holds a master’s degree in Economics with a special focus on management from the University of Algiers. She has more than 20 years of experience working on energy efficiency issues at APRUE. As Head of General Programming Department, since December 2009 she has worked on the development of the National Energy Efficiency Program, on the coordination of activities of the Intersectoral Committee on Energy Management, on the administrative follow-up of the process benefitting from the National Fund for Energy Management, and on the development of legislative and regulatory proposals for energy management as well as related to the financial, fiscal and customs benefits that could be granted to energy efficiency projects. Ms. Djelouah has also been involved in studies on energy consumption in households, hydraulics and hotel sector and she has contributed to the development of databases on energy consumption and Renewable Energy. Furthermore, she ensured the coordination of the project “GEF / World Bank” on the development of an energy efficiency market in the industrial sector and of the EU Project “Regulation of household appliances”.
Kamel Lamiri
Trainer and expert in energy efficiency and energy management system, K. Lamiri is a Senior Manager at the Algerian Energy Management Agency (APRUE). He has several years of experience in working with national and international partners in the fields of energy policy and strategies as well as in setting up EE and RE programs, energy audits, energy management system according to ISO 50001, project management, and awareness raising campaigns. Mr. Lamiri has carried out many projects and studies in the fields of energy efficiency and renewable energy. For instance, in 2007 he worked as energy auditor for a project focused on developing a market for energy efficiency in the Algerian industry, on behalf of the World Bank. As project manager, he was responsible for coordinating the interventions of international and local experts for the implementation of the law on energy labelling. In 2008, he participated in the development of the 1st energy labeling program in Algeria.
Tahar Moussaoui
T. Moussaoui is an architect, who graduated from the Polytechnic School of Architecture and Urbanism of Algiers and specialized in Bioclimatic. When he graduated in 1999, he obtained the title of Major of the Majors and, since then, he has been dedicating entirely to energy efficiency in the building sector, particularly focusing on the building envelope. He started his professional career working in design studios and for property developers. Then, he joined the Research Center for the Development of Renewable Energy (CDER), where he was in charge of various missions entailing implementation, project management, and research tasks. Currently, he is the Head of the Building Department of the Algerian National Agency for the Promotion and Rationalization of Energy Use (APRUE), where he is responsible for ensuring the management of the EE projects, energy auditor and professional trainer.
Othmane Labci
A. Labci holds a bachelor’s degree in communication and public relations and certification in design (Adobe Suite)
In 2016 I joined the EVSM company specializing in public works and green spaces as a communication manager. Othmane gained an interesting five-year experience in managing communication projects by renewing the company’s visual identity and making it more attractive and visible.
In 2021, he joined the Algerian National Agency for the Promotion and the Rationalization of the Use of Energy (APRUE), where he has been appointed as the head of the communication projects. In this role, he has been ensuring the management of all the communication issues starting with the communication media, organizing events, press relations, awareness actions to finally making balance sheets and evaluation reports.
Greek Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving - CRES
Harris Andreosatos
H. Andreosatos holds a master’s degree in Energy, Economics and Environment from the University of Westminster and a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Abertay University in Dundee, Scotland. During his studies, he worked as a trainee engineer for the Testing Research & Standards Center (Public Power Corporation Group) in the laboratory of Mechanical Testing. Since 1999, he has been working in the Energy Policy & Planning Division of CRES as an energy expert. He has more than 20 years of experience in managing EU funded projects in the EU region, implementing market studies for energy efficiency and RES technologies, conducting feasibility studies for RE projects (mainly PVs) as well as designing and implementing RE and EE projects. Furthermore, he has been involved in the design and implementation of training activities in the field of RES and EE; in the investigation of national and European legislative frameworks on Energy Efficiency & RES; in the measurement and verification of the achieved energy savings from energy efficiency measures ; and in planning, monitoring and evaluation of energy policy measures and strategies by using new EE solutions. During his professional career he worked also as senior evaluator on Energy Investment Proposals/ Studies for RES (particularly, PVs) during preliminary and technical evaluation phases. Mr. Andreosatos is also administrator for measurement, monitoring, control and verification of the energy efficiency obligation scheme (2017 – present).
Aristotelis Botzios-Valaskakis
A. Botzios-Valaskakis holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering. He has 18 years of experience in the fields of energy efficiency and renewable energy. He is currently working at CRES and his range of expertise includes providing technical support to public authorities for the development of sustainable energy policies; implementing energy audits; monitoring and verifying energy performance of energy efficiency projects; conducting techno-economic feasibility studies for the implementation of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects; developing Energy Performance Contracts (EPC); carrying on dynamic energy modelling and assessment of buildings; and implementing techno-economic feasibility studies and Environmental Impact Assessment Studies of Renewable Energy Power Plants.
Markos Damasiotis
M. Damasiotis holds a Master Degree in Electrical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). He has more than 25 years of experience in the energy sector. Since 1994 he has been working for CRES, where he participated as senior expert or project manager in more than 60 national/ international projects in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency. Since 2007, he has been the Head of Development Project Applications Department and since 2015 the Director of the Development Programmes Division of CRES, managing multinational scientific teams in the fields of technology analysis, energy systems analysis and planning, market studies, research and training, awareness raising, innovative policy and financing mechanisms, approximation of legislations, business and financing issues of RES and EE sector. His professional experience geographically expands also to South East Europe, Black Sea Countries and the Mediterranean. He is member of the Board of Directors of MEDENER.
Christoforos Perakis
Perakis acquired his PhD in chemical engineering from the National Technical University of Athens in 2007. Since then he has worked for 2 years for a private Greek company in the study and development of renewable energy investment projects and afterwards in the Development Programs Division of CRES as a project manager and energy expert. He has more than 10 years of experience in managing projects supporting the development of renewable energy technologies funded by the EU and other international organizations. His geographical focus, besides Greece and other EU countries, includes South East Europe and the Mediterranean basin.
Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development - ENEA
Roberta Boniotti
Since 2010 Dr Roberta Boniotti has been the Advisor on European and International Affairs at ENEA – the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development – in Brussels, maintaining key links with stakeholders in the EU institutions. Previously she was a Member of the Board of Directors and a Member of the Board of Auditors in several private research companies in Italy and Head of Unit “Company Relations Management” at ENEA Headquarters in Rome. She is an economist, holds a Master in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Bologna and has more than 20 years of experience in the sectors of energy, the environment and sustainable economic development. Since 2017 she has been the Secretary General of MEDENER, the Association of National Agencies for Energy Management in the Mediterranean Region.
Dr Boniotti is a member of the Executive Working Group of TAFTIE, the European Association of leading National Innovation Agencies, member of the Advisory Board of Sustainable Energy Investments Forums Initiative, ENEA’s Representative in the network of European National Energy Agencies (EnR) and the EU WG of the ISSS Platform – Innovation Platform “Sustainable Sea and Ocean Solutions”.
Alessandro Fiorini
Researcher in the Laboratory for Monitoring Energy Efficiency Policies and Measures at ENEA Energy Efficiency Department
Ph.D. in Economics at Sapienza University of Rome, post-graduate studies in economics and statistics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata and Université Catholique de Louvain in Belgium.
Prior to ENEA, he held positions at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (Directorate for Energy, Transport and Climate), in the Italian National Agency for Investment Attraction and Business Development and in the Institute for Competitiveness in Rome. In over ten years of experience, he has carried out research studies aimed at delivering policy monitoring and evaluation works; developing
evidence-based recommendations for policy support; drafting scientific and technical publications. His research interests lie in the field of socio-economic impact of sustainable transition; green finance; methods for policy impact evaluation and industrial innovation and competitiveness.
He has lengthy experience in data analysis, production and use of statistics, layout methodological guidelines for data collection, validation and processing, and econometric modelling for addressing socioeconomic issues.
He is currently representing ENEA in the EEFIG (Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group) working groups on energy efficiency investment data collection and Energy Efficiency 1st Principle implementation.
Alessandra Gugliandolo
A. Gugliandolo is a researcher works at ENEA since 2012. She is part of the LAERTES laboratory within the department DUEE SPS SEI and currently, she is the head of the research unit named EDI (Energy efficiency of buildings through the adoption of innovative materials and renewable energy).
She has a Master’s Degree in Building Engineering for Recovery and specializes in energy-saving issues with certifications such as SACERT or thermographic surveys. She works on issues concerning energy audits, energy audits and is an expert in steady-state and dynamic energy modeling.
His activity has a particular interest in the design and study of nearly zero energy buildings. At ENEA, she worked on numerous European projects that dealt with this issue, including Certus, Teeschools, Feedschools, BMB.
She is an expert in energy efficiency both for the envelope and for the technical systems. It deals with the study of innovative materials, energy regulations, and technologies aimed at energy saving. Among its activities, there is also energy audit, technical inspections and training, and information activities on the national territory. He is also among the ENEA teachers in various courses on energy efficiency issues and also in courses for experts in energy management.
Edoardo Pandolfi
- E. Pandolfi is an expert in the management of projects financed by the EC. Prior to ENEA, he has worked for 7 years in the National Research Council (CNR), in the Activities and Relations with European Institutions Office, supporting the participation of CNR in the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. He gained an extensive experience in assisting CNR’s Institutes on all aspects related to the accounting, administrative and financial management of projects financed by the EC. He was responsible also for supporting CNR’s Institutes during financial audits on EU funded projects, carried out by the European the projects Commission and the European Court of Auditors. In 2019 he has started working in the Laboratory for the Monitoring of Energy Efficiency Policies and Measures at ENEA’s Energy Efficiency Department, in charge to provide Ministry for Ecological Transition with substantial information and data about the hot-spot trends for EE policies. He has worked on the “Annual Report to the European Commission” and collaborated to ENEA Energy Efficiency Annual Reports (NEEAP). His current main research interests are related to financial instruments for energy efficiency and energy poverty. He is actively involved in the following EU research projects: “meetMED” (DG NEAR funded), ENPOR (H2020) and GreenAbility (ERASMUS+).
Pier Luigi Porta
Pier Luigi Porta is a researcher at the Valorization of Resource Laboratory (RISE) in the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), for the last fifteen years have been working in the field of Life
Cycle Assessment (LCA) and environmental labeling. Carries out research activities in Italian and European projects concerning the sustainability assessment in particular on resource efficiency with a circular economy approach. Specialized in Life Cycle Assessment of new technologies, worked on definition of LCA database compliance requirements for Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) and Organization Environmental Footprint (OEF). He works on the implementation of industrial symbiosis instruments and supports companies in eco-innovation paths.
Simona De Iuliis
S. De Iuliis is a physics-electronic engineer, who has been working at ENEA as renewable energy expert and scientific researcher on solar energy technologies since 2009. Her primary role is to support the Department of Energy Technologies and the Technical Divisions to developing strategies and innovative technologies. She is an expert in transferring of knowledge and capacity building and a lecturer for training courses and masters on solar energy. She has been working in more than 20 EU-funded projects and is currently responsible of two of them related to solar energy. She is the technical-scientific representative of the Energy Technologies Department for solar thermal technologies, and ENEA’s representative in the Steering Committee of the Joint Programme on Concentrated Solar Power of the European Energy Research Alliance, and in the European Solar Thermal Electricity Association. Furthermore, she is member of the ENEA task force for development cooperation, the Technical Committee of RES4MED-RES4AFRICA association, and of the Task Force for the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan. She is the Italian representative within the SET Plan Implementation Working Group on CSP and the Italian delegate for IEA Committee on Energy Research and Technology and for IEA Renewable Energy Working Party.
Francesco Baldi
Francesco Baldi has a PhD in modelling analysis and optimization of energy systems (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden), and a career record
in energy analysis, energy audits and optimization of energy processes (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland). In ENEA, he focuses on the development of building energy models to test energy efficiency solutions, in the large-system modelling of integrated solutions for reducing the carbon footprint of human activities, in the field of the application of energy efficiency principles in SMEs, and in the different areas of interest related to the developing subject of citizen energy communities.
Lorenza Daroda
Lorenza Daroda, Molecular Biologist working as researcher at ENEA since 1990.
Since 2019 part of the Communication tools for Energy Efficiency Laboratory of the Energy Efficiency Department.
Representative of ENEA national network of technology transfer officers, responsible of research and innovation, communication and training activities in the framework of sustainable development and energy efficiency, energy transition, resource efficiency, water management, bioeconomy, innovative agro-food system.
Member of the communication and capitalisation team of International and National projects: EU H2020 ENPOR “Actions to Mitigate Energy Poverty in the Private Rented Sector” (2023-2020); EU H2020 GREENROAD “Growing Energy Efficiency Through National Roundtables addresses” (2021-2023); EU Neighboring Program meetMED “Mitigation enabling energy transition in the Mediterranean region” (2020-2018); “Italian in Classe A Energy Efficiency information and Training Program” (PIF) from Italian Ministry of Economic Development (2022-2017); EU H2020 Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI-JU) Valuemag project “Valuable Products from Algae Using new Magnetic Cultivation and Extraction Techniques” (2018-2017); EU MED SINERGIA project “Increasing energy performance by transfer innovation to the agro-food SMEs of Mediterranean areas (2016-2013);
Communication manager of Cross-Border Cooperation European ENPI CBC MED Water-DROP project: “WATER Development Resources Opportunity Policies for the water management in semi-arid areas”(2016-2013).
Enrico Genova
E.Genova is a building engineer and architect, with a PhD in Architecture on the compatible energy improvement of historic buildings. He carried out a campaign of laboratory and in situ tests on the thermal performances of historic walls in Sicily, and currently he contributes to research on the thermal and mechanical characterization of regional historic masonry types. As a researcher at ENEA, he focuses on the renovation of existing buildings, and especially on the national incentives, aimed at improving the energy performance of the building stock.
Flavia Abbate
F. Abbate graduated in geography at the University of Rome, with a Master’s degree in Engineering for Public Administration, Governance, Innovation and Consulting. She has experience in numerous dissemination and research projects on environmental conservation and climate change at Enea. He currently works at the Energy Efficiency Department and collaborates in the management of both national and European projects on the development of energy efficiency in public and private sector buildin
Simone Beozzo
S. Beozzo is an electronic technician and a member of the Laboratory of Integrated Energy Solutions at ENEA’s Department for Energy Efficiency since 2012. He focused on the application of new measurement and analysis methods for innovative techniques and materials of energy efficiency. Lately, he has been paying attention to the problems of energy islands and the distribution of energy to remote areas.
Ivan Lamanna
I. Lamanna graduated in economics, and he is an expert accountant and a member of the Order of Chartered Accountants of Rome. He has expertise in the financial sector and deals with ESG issues and sustainable reporting tools. Since 2020 he has worked in the Energy Efficiency Department of ENEA (National Agency for New Technologies, energy, and Sustainable Economic Development) dealing with national and European projects. He is also a member of the ENEA’s “Energy Efficiency Annual Report”. He has experience in macroeconomic themes and in data analysis, studying, and production of statistics, and his current main research interests are related to green finance and financial instruments for energy efficiency.
Alessandro Federici
A. Federici has been a researcher at ENEA since 2007. Currently, he is the Head of the Monitoring Laboratory of energy efficiency policies at ENEA’s Department for Energy Efficiency. Since 2016, he has been the coordinator of ENEA’s working group dealing with the Italian National Energy Efficiency Action Plans and the Annual Reports to the European Commission, and providing support to the Ministry of Economic Development in the revision process of EE Directives. He is the project leader of the ENEA’s Energy Efficiency Annual Reports and Tax Deduction Scheme Annual Report. He is the Italian delegate in the Energy Efficiency Working Party of the International Energy Agency (IEA), in the Executive Committee of the International Partnership for the Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC), and in the Implementation Working Group for Energy Efficiency in Industry (IWG6) of the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan).
Corinna Viola
- Viola works as researcher in the Laboratory for the Monitoring of Energy Efficiency Policies and Measures at ENEA’s Energy Efficiency Department since 2018. She is the ENEA’ scientific reference in the GreenAbility (Green abilities to tackle social issues – (Erasmus+ programme funded) and she was involved in the management activities of both “meetMED (Mitigation Enabling Energy Transition in the Mediterranean region – (DG NEAR funded) and PUBLEnEf (Supporting PUBLic Authorities for Implementing Energy Efficiency Policies – ” (H2020 programme funded) projects. She is a member of the ENEA’s working group for the “Annual report on energy efficiency – Results achieved and targets for 2020 to the European Commission (art. 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive – 2012/27/EU)”, on behalf of the Italy’s Ministry for Ecological Transition. She is a member of the ENEA’s working group for the support to the Ministry for Ecological Transition in the revision process of the Energy Efficiency related Directives. She is a member of the ENEA’s “Energy Efficiency Annual Report” and “Annual Report on Fiscal Deduction scheme”.
Spanish E.P.E. Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy - IDAE
Marisa Olano
M.Olano is the Head of the International Relations Department at the Spanish Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Agency (IDAE)
Since 1986 she has developed her professional career in the Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDAE), specializing in the international energy field.
Her activity focuses on the management of international cooperation projects and in the promotion of energy efficiency and renewable energies.
Among her activities and responsibilities is the support to the penetration of the Spanish energy sector companies in the international markets
She is the Spanish delegate for different fora such as international energy agencies (IEA, IRENA…), and CEM, G20, MEF, UNIDO, REN21 and she participates in Networks of Energy Agencies (EnR, Medener…)
Author of several articles and papers in specialized media, she has participated in multiple workshops and fora nationally and internationally
Teresa Herrera Pérez
Teresa is a Forestry engineer – Industrial specialty – at the School of Forest Engineering of he Technical University of Madrid. IE Executive Education at the EOI (School of Industrial Organization).
Since 2002 working as project manager and department manager in diferente Departments of the IDAE (The Spanish Government’s Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy): buildings and housing department, energy efficiency coordination department and contractual and internal issues department. 20 years of experience in the field of energy efficiency and public aid management. Currently working as a project manager in the development of national policies to improve energy savings and efficiency in buildings and household appliances.
Patricia Isabel Bañón Serrano
Born in Madrid in 1985, she studied a degree in Environmental Sciences at the University of Alcalá de Henares and later a master in Environmental Engineering at the School of Industrial Organization (EOI) in Madrid.
After a first period of her professional career working in the management of public aid for energy efficiency and renewable energies and carrying out energy audits, she was project manager of the technical assistance that supported the development of the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan and the Long-Term Strategy.
She is currently the head of the Department of Planning and Studies at IDAE.
Pilar de Arriba Segurado
Segurado obtained degree in Industrial engineering. Energy technical specialty at the Higher Technical School of Engineering (ETSII) of Bilbao. Master in renewable energies and energy markets at the EOI (School of Industrial Organization).
Degree in sociology at the National Distance Education University (UNED).
2000-2001: Engineer in the Thermal hydraulic Design and Nuclear Safety Engineering Department at Enusa Industrias Avanzadas, S.A.
1998-2000: Technician involved in studies concerning quality control and radiological protection in Radio diagnostic Installations and in a project focused on a Mama Cancer Screening Programme in the Basque Country at Radioprotección Consultores, S.L (Radiological Protection Technical Unit)
Since 2001 working as project manager in the Department of Planning and Studies of the IDAE developing energy analysis (trends in energy efficiency indicators and measures, prices, prospects…), energy statistics in the residential/cogeneration sector, energy balances, updating of indicators, technical and institutional reports (IDAE Report, Energy Book of Spain of the MITERD, reports within the framework of the ODYSSEE-MURE Project, IDAE web publications,…)
Encarna Porras
E. Porras works as a project manager in the International Relations Department of the Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDAE). She has a degree in Environmental Sciences. She later completed a Master’s in Sustainable Rural Development and a Specialist Diploma in Disaster Risk Management and Adaptation to Climate Change.
She has more than 15 years of experience in project management and coordination for different donors, mainly in matters of rural and territorial development, environment, and institutional strengthening, working both in Spain and abroad (Paraguay, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Mozambique, Palestine, and Cuba). She has worked for the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administrations and Public Policies (FIIAPP), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Spanish Cooperation (AECID), and other public institutions, as well as NGOs.
Wide experience in the cycle of the project: identification, formulation, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation, as well as in the preparation of reports for technical and economic justification.
Ignacio Valero
Degree in Law from UCM and a Master in Management of non-profit institutions; he has more than 20 years of experience in managing international cooperation projects in NGOs, and institutions like FIIAPP, Madrid City Council, international organizations such as the Ibero-American General Secretariat, SEGIB, the Union of Ibero-American Capital Cities, UCCI or the Organization of Ibero-American States, OEI.
He has worked in different sectors such as SME development, financial inclusion, education, health, habitability, productive applications of renewable energy, CSR promotion, institutional strengthening, etc., in different phases of the project life cycle: from its design and planning, the sustainability assessment, up to its evaluation, in more than 20 countries in Latin America, Africa, and the Philippines.
He currently works in the International Relations Department of the Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDAE).
Eva Martínez
Working as a Technical Project Manager in the Department of Domestic and Energy Saving and Efficiency of the Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDAE).
Architect since 2004 from the Polytechnic University of Architecture of Madrid (ETSAM) and a Master´s program in Environmental Studies and bioclimatic architecture.
She has 20 years of experience in different sectors as a project manager in designing and constructing social housing, office buildings, and private dwellings based on energy efficiency criteria. She has combined it with volunteering in bioconstruction and rehabilitation. She also has worked as a research assistant at the University of Madrid and the University of Washington, developing a Sustainability rating system for measuring all the criteria involved in the life cycle assessment as carbon, energy, water, waste, transportation, materials, health, and indoor environmental quality.
Gema del Rio
Gema is a seasoned expert at the interplay of energy, sustainability, and innovation. She holds a BSc and MSc in Industrial Engineering from UPM (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) and has expanded her knowledge with a Master’s in Renewable Energy and Hydrogen, a Master’s in Sustainability, a PDD in Executive Management (EOI), and a CFA Investing Certificate. Currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Engineering at UPM, focused on sustainable digitalization.
With more than 15 years of hands-on experience for both the public and private sectors, Gema has been driving international technological cooperation programmes and sustainable investments for the ecological transition. She has forged more than 30 European collaborative networks (Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe) and contribute to the assessment of projects and investments with a focus on technological, energy and sustainability aspects. Her professional journey encompasses roles as programme manager and senior analyst at the Spanish Innovation Agency (CDTI), COFIDES (DFI), and various consulting firms. Additionally, she has been working as researcher at IH Cantabria, UCM-Repsol, and UPM. Her themes of interest include renewables, mainly offshore wind and marine energies, the water-energy-climate nexus, ESG in the energy transition, and smart energy systems. Joining IDAE in 2023, Gema contributes to the International Department, promoting global relationships for a sustainable and equitable energy transition.
Beatriz García Calvo
Beatriz is a Journalist with wide experience in International Communications in the European Parliament, the European Commission, Castilla y León Delegation to the EU in the Spanish Representation to the European Union and in the United Nations. Throughout her career she has specialized in different policies such as Environment, Climate Change, and Renewable Energies, as well as in Economy, Human Rights, Equality, Development Cooperation, Agriculture, Health, Culture, and Youth, among others.
Since she arrived at IDAE in 2021, she has been working in the Communications and Institutional Relations Department. From this position, she has been working closely with the International Department in the organization of international events, such as SPIREC, and in projects like MeetMED.
National Energy Research Centre/ Royal Scientific Society of Jordan - NERC/RSS
Mohammad Al-Hasani
M. Al-Hasani is a senior energy specialist working at the Royal Scientific Society/ National Energy Research Center. He graduated from the University of Jordan as a Mechanical engineer in 2012. He is a certified Heating, Ventilation and Air conditioning (HVAC) and certified RETScreen software expert. Previously, he worked 2 years as project manager for the Millennium Energy Industries (Jordan). There, his duties included preparing technical submittals, following up and managing installation on the site and following up the maintenance. He joined the Royal Scientific Society / National Energy Center in 2015 as Specialist and Energy Labelling Lab Analyst. In this capacity, he was in charge of preparing the energy audit report, supervising the contractors, testing air conditioning inside the laboratory according to energy labeling as well as testing refrigerators and freezers inside the laboratory, according to energy labeling. Currently, he is working on several projects that related to energy audits, such as the Sahib project, school projects, the Switch project and the REEEP Project.
Sawsan Bawaresh
Eng. S. Bawaresh is a senior energy specialist working at the Royal Scientific Society/ National Energy Research Center. She graduated from Princess Sumaya University as electronics engineer and graduated from University of Jordan with a master’s degree in public administration. She is a certified energy manager (CEM), certified carbon & GHG reduction manager (CRM) and a certified Lighting Energy Efficiency Professional (CLEP) from AEE. Ms. Bawaresh has been working in the field of energy management for 14 years. She has also worked as project manager for several energy efficiency and renewable energy projects at the national and regional levels. She has wide experience in training programs design; hence, she has trained engineers in different sectors in energy field topics and became an ISO50001 -energy management system trainer certified by ISO. She is an advocate for gender equality and clean environment.
Muhieddin Tawalbeh
M. Tawalbeh is an Electrical Engineer graduated from the University of Technology, Iraq. Currently, he is Manager in the Energy Efficiency and Solar Thermal Division at the NERC/RSS. His work focuses on energy efficiency audits, energy management, Solar Thermal Energy, power demand management, energy policies and GHG mitigation project’s analysis. He has managed and supervised the MENA Region Initiative as a model of NEXUS Approach and Renewable Energy Technologies (MINARET and the Energy Label & Minimum Standards Project in Jordan. He has been project Director for the Capacity Building in Wind energy and Concentrating Solar Power Project (WECSP) Project, Manager for Residential and Street lighting Pilot Project and Med Term Expert Counterpart (MTE) for the twining project on Capacity Building for NERC between NERC/ Jordan and CRES/ Greece. He has also been involved in the preparation of Jordan’s First Biennial Update Report to the UNFCCC on the EE & RE Mitigation Actions.
Walid Shahin
Eng. Walid Shahin
Director of National Energy Research Centre
Eng. Walid Shahin has more than 25 years of experience in the energy sector with hands-on experience in Energy Efficiency (EE) and Renewable Energy (RE), policy dialogue, load research and tariff setting, energy auditing and management. Eng. Walid is currently the director of The National Energy Research Center (NERC) which is one of the key leading institutions in the energy sector in Jordan, and is responsible for conducting studies, research, audits, trainings and pilot EE and RE projects, the results of which are used on the national level in informing the policy making process.
He carried out/ participated in the following: the development of EE roadmap for Jordan as well as the development of EE bylaws in cooperation with (MEMR) and other relevant entities (USAID, AFD, MoENV and others). He was the Project manager for combined solar power and desalination plants: techno-economic potential in Mediterranean Partner countries (MED-CSD) Project. He also headed an Energy Study Group ESG’s to prepare a detailed Study on “Options to Meet Future Energy Needs in Jordan”. He was the Project Manager for FP6 project “Promotion of a New Generation of Solar Thermal Systems in the MPC” (SOLATERM) and the Project Manager for FP6 project “Integration of solar technologies into buildings in Mediterranean communities” (SOLARBUILD).
Eng. Walid Worked with US/Spanish team on the development of Jordan Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Fund (JREEEF). He is also very active in national and regional committees and policymaking. In terms of EE and RE, he was the head of “Energy and Green Building Committee” at the Jordan Engineers Association, head of the “Energy Labeling for Household Appliances” Committee at the Jordan Institute for Standards & Metrology, member of “Energy Efficient Building Code” Committee, Ministry of Housing & Public Works, and on the regional level he is a Member of the Arab EE Guidelines working group which was responsible for the preparation of the Arab EE Guideline.
Eng. Walid obtained his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from University of Illinois at Chicago, and he is fluent in both Arabic and English. He is also Certified Energy Manager (certified EUREM) and Registered Value Specialist from the American Association of Value Engineers.
Shaker Hammad
Eng. Shaker Hammad
Photovoltaics Development Manager
A Mechanical engineer with 10+ years’ experience in business development in public and private sectors including engineering, energy efficiency, renewable energy, and strategic economic development. Expertise in consulting, project management, strategic business planning, economic studies and proposals writing. Have specific experience in clean technology development field as well as renewable energy consultancy and specific experience in developing feasibility and economic studies for high-investment renewable energy and construction projects. Have very good experience in the feasible development of energy management, energy efficiency, energy auditing and energy value engineering through developing several successful energy projects. Also involved in renewable energy execution field with several successfully implemented large scale & strategic renewable energy projects in Jordan and the region. |
Currently hold the position of Photovoltaics Development Manager at the Royal Scientific Society (RSS) – Jordan.
Abdullah Abu-Sada
Eng. Abdullah Abu-Sada
Energy Studies Specialist
Eng. Abdullah Abu-Sada is an energy studies specialist working at the Royal Scientific Society/ National Energy Research Center. He graduated from Jordan University of Science and technology as a mechanical engineer.
Eng. Abdullah has been working in the field of energy management for 8 years in which he participated in conducting several energy audit studies in commercial and industrial sectors and participated in energy assessments at municipality level through SECAP development and Energy-Water-Food Nexus regional projects.
He holds the following certificates: Certified Energy Auditor (CEA) – AEE, Certified energy manager (CEM) – AEE, Certified Energy Efficiency professional- TUV, Certified Building Commissioning Professional (CBCP) –AEE, Certified RETScreen Expert.
Nidal Abdalla
Eng. Nidal Abdalla Manager of Bio-Energy |
Eng. Nidal Yacoub Abdalla, senior energy consultant, has a Master Degree in Mechanical Engineer in 1999; he is a manager of Bioenergy division. He is a key engineer in energy efficiency, Concentrate Solar Power (CSP) and a researcher in solar thermal studies energy and bioenergy studies. He implemented two biogas digesters located in Irbid, North of Jordan. He is one of the authors of a book titled “Solar Water Heater sizing and system design”. He is one of the auditors for the “Jordanian Solar Energy code”. He published many papers in passive and active solar heating systems and energy conservation. He managed and conducted several energy audits in water pumping sector, HVAC system in industry and commercial buildings. He is working at NERC since 2000.
Iman Al-Ameriah
Eng. Iman Al-Ameriah Senior Specialist / Studies |
Eng. Iman Al-Ameriah is a certified quality manager, working as a Senior Specialist and the manager of the Energy Labeling Lab at the National Energy Research Center / Royal Scientific Society. She holds a bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Jordan. She has 15+ years of experience in manufacturing, quality and industrial fields. Eng. Iman has established the first accredited lab in Jordan for energy efficiency testing that applies to household electrical products, air conditioners, washings machines, refrigerators and freezers. Having experience in ISO 9001 and ISO 17025; Iman has worked to obtain the national and international ISO accreditation certificates for the energy labeling lab.
Mohammad Mosleh
Eng. Mohammad Mosleh Specialist / Studies Eng. Mohammad Mosleh is a senior energy specialist working at the Royal Scientific Society/ National Energy Research Center He graduated from Al Balqa’a Applied University as an Electrical Power Engineer. He has an extensive experience in the field of energy management, energy conservation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy, in addition to energy policies and strategies development, where he executed several successful energy projects. He is a Certified Energy Manager (CEM), Certified Energy Auditor (CEA), Energy Efficiency Professional (EEP) as well as a Certified RETscreen Expert. |
He actively played several key roles in European Union funded projects, such as project coordinator and technical expert. Eng. Musleh has successfully conducted many energy audits in various sectors whether it is industrial, commercial or for public buildings. These audits were accompanied with feasibility studies for the energy saving measures and recommendations explaining how and what measures to implement. He also participated in projects that assess the community’s needs and design a specific capacity building programs for women and youth.
New & Renewable Energy Authority of Egypt - NREA
Ehab Ismail Amin Abdalla
E. I. A. Abdalla received his BSc in Mechanical Engineering in 1992. Currently, he is the Vice Chairman for Technical Affairs at NREA. During his professional career, he has contributed to set up the Egyptian renewable energy strategy up to 2022, which set a 20% target of total generated electricity through RE. His fields of expertise include planning and setting up of RE polices as well as following up and evaluating the implementation of RE plans and polices. In addition, he has also participated in the preparation of different technical and economical studies evaluating the potential use of RE for different applications – particularly, electricity generation from wind and Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) and he has contributed to prepare the “Project Design Document” for the wind farms project in Egypt – implemented according to the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) rules, defined in the Kyoto protocol. Mr Abdalla is also the focal point of Egypt in the Regional Center of Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency (RCREEE).
Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority - PENRA
Nidal Abu Rub
N. Abu Rub has a long experience in industrial management, business development and economic analysis in Palestine and the Gulf. He holds a master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) and one in Mechanical Engineering. Currently, he is working as economic manager at the Palestinian Energy Authority, where he is mainly responsible for the economic analysis of the impact of EE programs in Palestine. In particular, he is involved in the project “Promotion of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy project in the strategic sectors in Palestine”, which is funded by the French Development Agency (AFD). With respect to the implementation of this project, his duties include analyzing the energy audited sites as well as the feasibility of recommended actions; evaluating the potential of national energy savings and costs for audited facilities in the strategic sectors; participating in national studies and in the preparation of action plans, budgets and reports.
Mohammad Mobayyed
M. Mobayyed holds a M.A. in Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Engineering. Currently, he works at the Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority (PENRA) as a project Implementation Unit Director (PIU), in charge of SUNREF Palestine program, and he is the former Energy Efficiency Unit Director. He nurtures a keen interest in designing and implementing knowledge sharing and advocacy strategies to raise awareness on Energy Efficiency, including strategic planning and sustainable management.
Basel Yaseen
B. Yaseen holds a master’s degree in Clean Energy and Energy Conservation Engineering from An- Najah National University, Palestine and a bachelor’s degree in Production and Managerial Engineering/ Industrial Engineering from Technical University of Crete, Greece. He is a senior expert in Renewable Energy Technologies and Applications, Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation Techniques in addition to Energy Economics and Feasibility Studies. Working at the Palestinian Energy and Environment Research Center / Palestinian Energy Authority (PEA) since 2002, there Mr Yaseen is currently the Director for Renewable Energy. He is also focal point for PEA’s participation in the activities of the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) and the Mediterranean Association of the National Agencies for Energy Conservation (MEDENER) and Member of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Platform at the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM).
Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency - RCREEE
Jauad El Kharraz
J. El Kharraz is the Executive Director of the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE). He has been a senior consultant, advisor, and/or evaluator for several international institutions (European Commission, PRIMA Foundation, the Mediterranean Water Institute, FAO, UN-ESCWA, EU-GCC Clean Energy Technology Network, KAS-REMENA, Ocean Oasis, the Palestinian-Dutch Academic Cooperation Program on Water “PADUCO”, COMSTECH Scientific Advisory Council (COMSTECH-SAC), the EMME-CCI Task Force on Water Resources led by the Cyprus Institute, the International Desalination Association as member of its R&D committee and the European Desalination Society where he was elected as a board member). He has been the R&D Director at the Middle East Desalination Research Center, Oman (2015-2020), in charge of research programs/ projects on sustainable desalination technologies, renewable energies for desalination, water-energy-food nexus, climate change, and science diplomacy.
Maged Mahmoud
M. Mahmoud is a sustainable energy expert and the Technical Director of RCREEE. He has joined RCREEE in 2011, where he played a key role in formulating renewable energy (RE) strategies and introducing respective implementation mechanisms focusing on increased reliance on private sector. Dr. Mahmoud is an active member of the League of Arab States RE/EE Committee and since 2013 he has been leading the regional “Private Investment Promotion Portfolio”, where several business models and instruments have been explored to support both utility- and small-scale developers, and to assess the economic and social impacts. He has also served for 20 years at the Egyptian New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA). Among his key achievements, he contributed significantly to setting the Egyptian RE 2022 strategy targeting 20% renewables share, and in the design of the “best-fit” policies and measures for the strategy implementation. He deeply contributed to planning and contracting several megawatts of wind energy projects amounting to more than 700 million USD. Dr. Mahmoud holds the “Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research Award for Development and Innovations in Renewable Energy” since 2001. He has managed and contributed to over 40 research projects and studies in the sustainable energy fields in collaboration with national and international organizations.
Hussam Alherafi
H. Alherafi holds a master’s degree in Political Science, with a special focus on International Economic Relations. Currently, he is Senior Policy Specialist at RCREEE, where he has been working for the past six years. He has a strong experience in promoting RE and EE policies and projects in the Arab region. Furthermore, he has a solid expertise in market assessment and in designing, monitoring, evaluating and reporting cross-sectorial policies, regulatory frameworks, governance systems and governmental subsidies. He is currently involved in several regional projects and studies on sustainable energy, implemented in collaboration with national and international organizations (i.e. LAS, EU, WB, GIZ, UNDP).
Eman Adel
E. Adel is a Sustainable Energy Expert at RCREEE with demonstrated experience for more than 11 years in sustainable energy, energy efficiency, climate finance, and climate change projects in the MENA region.
Eman is experienced in Project Management with a strong technical background, she is responsible for lots of technical projects in addition to RCREEE member states support in terms of knowledge exchange management and building capacities with a special focus on youth and gender. Eman basically is an electrical engineer with a Master of Business Administration and Management from Universitat Autònoma Barcelona, and Environmental Management fellowship from Technische Universität Dresden.
Mostafa Hasaneen
Mostafa is responsible for preparing, following up implementation, and monitoring of national strategies and plans in the field of sustainable development, Initiation, planning and follow up the execution of sector-related projects, carrying out greenhouse gases (GHG) inventory of the energy sector, sharing in reports related to sustainable development and Evaluation of renewable energy mechanisms.
As one of the Rosters of Experts certified reviewers from United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), he is responsible for reviewing annual submissions of greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories and supplementary information.
Mostafa obtained his MSc degree in renewable energy from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Ain Shams University, Egypt. In addition, he is a Certified European Energy Manager (EUREM), Certified Project Management Professional (PMP), and has a certificate of proficiency from Green House Gas Management Institute (GHG) on Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Khalid Salmi
Khalid Salmi is an Energy Management Expert at the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE). Graduated as a mechanical engineer and holds an MSc degree in Renewable Energy Engineering, he joined RCREEE in 2014. As Energy Management Expert, Eng. Khalid Salmi is actively responsible for managing RCREEE’s standardization and certification unit, in addition to the green hydrogen portfolio aiming to align the green hydrogen impetus in the Arab region with the global standardized practices and actions.
With over 9 years of professional experience, and under several projects and activities, Eng. Khalid Salmi cooperated with various national governments and international development organizations, including Ministries, development banks, UN programs, European Union, in addition to other alliances and networks involved in the energy industry and green economy affairs worldwide.
Throughout his professional career in different sustainable energy fields, Eng. Khalid Salmi acquired practical expertise about the important role of green technologies, policies, and regulations as effective instruments for the sustainable management of resources, and the deployment of new clean energy practices, toward tackling the economic and environmental challenges at all levels.
Ahmed Abdelrasoul
Ahmed Abdelrasoul is an Environmental Expert. With Over 15 years of experience in international donor-funded projects in the environmental field, including climate change, waste management, and environment abetment in the industrial sector. Before joining RCREEE, he was an M&E manager in the Executive unit of waste management at MoLD. Before that, he was an investment component coordinator at NSWMP, one of the biggest rehabilitation programme for the waste sector in Egypt, funded by the EU.
Mr. Abdelrasoul graduated from the faculty of science- at Ain Shams university with a major in Microbiology. He is holding MBA in project management, Diploma in Global management- Besides being a member of the UNFCCC roster of experts for GHG inventory member of the Egyptian climate change committee. Mr. Rasoul also is a certified energy manager from the American association of energy engineers.
Thematic expertise:
Solid knowledge in environmental impact and assessment, including air quality, water quality, biodiversity, and mitigation actions, besides participation in developing the ESIA guidelines for the solid waste sector in Egypt. SWM codes.
Experienced in GHG inventory, participating in most Egyptian contributions to the UNFCCC, including developing CDM projects portfolio, NAMAs planning, MRV, 2nd and 3rd national communication, and BUR, besides being team coordinator for the INDC
Horizontal expertise:
Concrete experience in Projects management through international donors, especially UNDP, World Bank, IFC, EBRD, KfW, EU, and GIZ.
Technical experience in developing national and international studies and reports, including ESIAs
industrial, energy efficiency, and waste management. GHG inventory, NAMA project documents
Akram Almohamadi
Akram Almohamadi works as a Sustainable Energy Expert at the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE), Egypt. He joined RCREEE in January 2015 and has participated as a project manager/coordinator/researcher in several projects related to renewable energy, power sectors, and energy efficiency in the Arab region. Akram has led several research projects and was deeply involved in several studies funded by international organizations, such as the World Bank, EU, and UN Agencies, among others. He has sound experience in energy policies and regulatory frameworks, renewable energy, energy efficiency, project management, as well as research and analysis.
Renewable Energy Authority of Libya - REAOL
Hamid Sherwali
H. Sherwali holds a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from UMIST, Manchester and he has been promoted as professor since 2010. In 2012, he was appointed as Chairman of the General Electrical Company (GECOL) and, then, in 2013 he became the Head of Electrical Engineering Department at the University of Tripoli. Since 2015, he has been the Chairman of the Renewable Energy Authority of Libya (REAoL), which is the body responsible for all activities related to renewable energy and energy efficiency in Libya. Dr. Sherwali began his career as electrical engineer, then he worked as electrical cables testing expert and consultant, he contributed to the specific committee on electrical appliances and equipment (Cables, wires, Transformers…), and worked as lecturer and researcher. Dr. Sherwali is chairing a committee to prepare NEEAP 2020-2030 for Libya. Since 2015, he has launched several initiatives to enhance the RE sector in Libya. Together with some REAOL consultants, he set up the Libyan National Plan for renewable energy and prepared some feasibility studies for few sites.
Malta's Energy & Water Agency - EWA
Manuel Sapiano
Sapiano is the Chief Executive Officer of the Energy and Water Agency (EWA) within Malta’s Ministry for Energy, Enterprise and Sustainable Development. In this role, he coordinates a team of experts with responsibilities for the formulation, evaluation, monitoring and implementation of national policies concerning the use of energy and water in a sustainable manner and the formulation of plans to meet National and EU energy and water resources management targets.
He also coordinates EWA’s identification of and participation in research and development initiatives in the energy and water sectors, mainly focusing on issues such as the water and energy demand management and use efficiency, renewable energies, groundwater resources management and policy assessment and formulation.
Mr. Sapiano is a hydrogeologist, with specific specialisation in island and coastal hydrology. He has previously led the Agency’s Water Policy Unit, where in particular he had the responsibility of coordinating the implementation process of EU related water legislation in the Maltese islands He has been involved in the implementation process of the EU Water Framework Directive since 2002, where within the Common Implementation Strategy of this Directive, he fulfils the role of Water Director for Malta.
Aaron Cutajar
Cutajar is a Policy Officer within the Energy and Water Agency (EWA) within Malta’s Ministry for Energy, Enterprise and Sustainable Development. He is a policy officer in the Projects section under the CEO’s office. In his role, along with his team manages the Agencies’ projects in view of the deadlines, deliverables, actions and general outcome of each project. Throughout his time with the Agency, he participated in research and development both in the energy and water sections mainly focusing on issues such as the energy and water demand and use efficiency, groundwater resources management and policy assessment and formulation. He also managed various local projects and EU funded projects, such as Interreg Med, Interreg Italia -Malta, ERDF and Life programmes.
Mr Cutajar is a Mechanical Engineer specializing in Plant engineering, with a Master of Science in Sustainable Energy. He also holds an Energy Auditor certificate and specialises in building efficiency and HVAC.
Anne-Marie Grech
Marie Grech obtained her first degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Malta in 2004, with first class honours. She holds a Master of Science in Building Services Engineering with Distinction from Brunel University. She started her career as a research engineer with a leading microelectronics company in Singapore and later moved on to the local building services industry. She has been involved in the energy sector since 2009 through her role within the EU Affairs Office at the Maltese Power Utility. She is currently a senior officer within the Energy and Water Agency (EWA) and is responsible for the ex-ante and ex-post assessment of energy policy especially those related to energy efficiency.
Julian Mamo
Mamo is a Policy Officer at The Energy and Water Agency (EWA) in Malta and a visiting lecturer at the Institute of Applied Sciences at Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) where he is the coordinator of the MSc in Integrated Water Resource Management. He has a Ph.D. degree in Water Science and Technology from the University of Girona (Spain), an M.Sc. degree in Water Management from Cranfield University (UK) and a B.Eng. (Hons) degree from the University of Malta. Julian currently works on the upgrading of the hydrological monitoring network for the Maltese Islands and the design and implementation of managed aquifer recharge scheme.
Matthias Agius
Agius is an Energy Officer within The Energy and Water Agency (EWA). His main tasks involve the collection and analysis of data to help develop national policies particularly on energy efficiency. He also offers support on other tasks concerning the use of renewable and energy efficient technologies in households, as well as the industrial and services sectors. Through research projects he has also gained considerable knowledge on audits both for large enterprises and SMEs. In his previous role at Transport Malta, he worked on sustainable mobility where he was responsible for the coordination of the European Mobility Week campaign and the implementation of sustainable mobility projects.
Matthias Agius graduated as an Environmental Engineer from the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology in 2020.
Michaela Xuereb
M. Xuereb graduated in Electrical Engineering from the University of Malta in 2010. In 2013, she also obtained a Master’s degree in Renewable Energy from Heriot-Watt University. Michaela joined the Energy and Water Agency (EWA) in 2014 and is currently working within the Stakeholder Support Unit.
Neil Azzopardi Ferriggi
N. Azzopardi Ferriggi works as a Communications Officer within the Energy and Water Agency (EWA), with an 8-year experience within Communications and Media. Neil joined the Agency in 2019, and worked on various local and international projects mainly related to Water Conservation. On an academic level, Neil obtained a Diploma in Banking and Financial Services way back in 2013, and also a Master’s degree in Business Administration mainly specialised in Marketing in 2021.