Training Course on Energy Performance Contracts in Amman
With the ongoing commitment of the meetMED project funded by the European Union to fostering energy efficiency measures in buildings & appliances, the Royal Scientific Society (RSS) in cooperation with Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Saving (CRES) are organizing a two-day training course on the Implementation of Demonstration Projects of Standardized and Easily Replicable Energy Services with Energy Performance Contracts, from 16-17 December in Amman, Jordan.
The main aim of this training is to provide both technical assistance and capacity building to market stakeholders who are either active or plan to involve themselves in either providing (i.e. local engineering consultants, local ESCOs) or receiving (i.e. private companies, public authorities etc.) energy services and/or energy performance contracting.
The two-day training is deemed to be very important for the project beneficiary countries, particularly in Jordan where energy services and energy performance contracting market are still at a very preliminary stage and will benefit the local market actors by providing then with the necessary background material and experiences from other countries with more developed energy services markets.
The training will cover the following themes:
- Introduction and General Principles of Energy Performance Contracting
- Business Cases for Developing Energy Efficiency Projects
- Tendering Energy Performance Contracts in the Public Sector
- Measuring and Verification of Energy Services
- Quality Criteria for Energy Services
- Performance Risk in Energy Performance Contracting
- Financing and Re-financing of Energy Services
- Case Studies and Best Practices in Energy Performance Contracting