- rim.boukhchina@rcreee.org
R. Boukhchina is a project manager and senior sustainable energy expert at RCREEE. She is involved in various projects related to renewable energy and energy efficiency deployment in the Arab region. Her activities include analysis and design of RE and EE projects, development of RE and EE National Action Plans, assessment of RE integration to the grid, design and the implementation of RE and EE policies and strategies and planning and implementation of capacity development activities in RE and EE fields. She is a senior technical expert with more than 20 years’ experience in strategic studies, Planning and developing RE projects. She started her career as energy planner in the Tunisian Utility of Electricity and Gas (STEG) and was involved in various domains related to new technologies studies, EE and demand side management, and renewable energy for electricity production and sustainable development. Mrs. Boukhchina has also been deeply involved in several Euro-Mediterranean projects and studies in the sustainable energy fields in collaboration with national and international organizations (EU, OME, WB, GIZ, IRENA, UNDP…).