National REEE Strategies and Policies

This workstream brings together all meetMED activities that support the development and implementation of EE and RE policies around the Mediterranean; in particular, this workstream includes:

– Creating a Regional Expert Network (REN) from Mediterranean countries to support the implementation of EE and RE policies to  enhance national operational programmes and to establish two regional task forces to identify the countries’ needs in terms of EE and RE regulatory framework in the building and power sectors. The experts are responsible for elaborating policy briefs and reports giving an overview country per country on RE and EE in the region.

– Updating relevant existing monitoring tools on energy and climate policies and developing a database on existing measures to implement RE and EE regulation to help benchmark progress of the policies and regulations implemented in the Mediterranean region. A report bringing forward the existing MEDENER Observatory project and capitalizing on EU-ODYSSEE, RCREEE AFEX, CLIMASOUTH will complete the activity.


Professional and Vocational Training

Following a market investigation on existing national/regional infrastructures of EE and RES professional training, trans-national technical and vocational training packages and courses will be developed on three specific topics:

Sustainable energy design toolkit for public authorities

This toolkit will consist of guidelines for public authorities on the use of sustainable energy design and financing tools and the development of guidelines for improving multi-level governance in the Mediterranean area in the field of sustainable energy planning and for better adaptation of the EU legislation to local contexts in the Mediterranean countries.

Energy audits in industrial small medium enterprises (SME)

A concise methodology will be developed. This will include all the necessary steps required for the completion of a thorough energy audit, taking into account the particularities and specific requirements of SME’s and technical information concerning energy efficiency measures in industrial horizontal processes.

Integration of EE and RES measures in buildings

For EE, this will include information concerning both the structural components of the building and the electromechanical equipment as well as behavioural aspects. For RES, this will mainly include information concerning photovoltaic systems and solar thermal systems as well as the use of micro-grids.


REEE Sustainable Growth and Investments

This workstream addresses regulatory risks and economic barriers for the financing of EE and RE by gathering data in meetMED Investment Country Reports (MICR) about the investment climate in the energy sector, energy market structures and legislative frameworks for EE and RES investments.

A series of national and regional consultations with key stakeholders identified current and potential markets for RE and EE products and services and which parts of the relevant value chains are of high potential for creating local value in the respective countries.

After assessing the potential of local manufacturing, a series of consultations and workshops will contribute to define possible modalities to support industrial associations, which might be created at national or regional levels and that could serve to promote local production of components for RE and EE systems.

National and regional tools also assess the socio-economic effects of RE and EE related projects, especially in terms of local job and value creation, so as to elaborate practice-oriented recommendations for decision-makers to advance and implement the socio-economic benefits of RE and EE.

The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (REEE) Platform

The UfM REEE Platform promotes the development of EE and RE measures for socio-economic development to ensure that all citizens and firms in the region have access to secure and affordable energy supplies in order to support the broader adaptation and mitigation measures towards climate change around the Mediterranean.

This workstream supports the UfM REEE Platform by emphasizing the importance of the energy transition in saving energy and reducing carbon emissions while make energy accessible to households and companies at affordable prices, creating new jobs, and ensuring shared prosperity all around the Mediterranean where energy demand is projected to increased drastically.

Workshops, events and studies were deployed, for example, the High-Level Policy Dialogue (HLPD) was created to focus on the promotion of RE and EE in the region and developed a concept note on how to build strong partnerships between the Maghreb, Mashreq, and the European Union financial institutions to fight climate change through the deployment of renewables and energy efficiency.

Energy Efficiency Strategies and Policies on Buildings and Appliances

Through its various activities and based on the Regional Expert Network (REN) set in phase I, meetMED II aims to contribute to harmonizing strategies and policies on energy efficiency (EE) in buildings and appliances in the region, while strengthening regional cooperation and fostering. Activities under this work stream will include:
  • Organize regional meetMED energy weeks to foster exchanges of information and experience between Northern and the Southern Countries partners
  • Support to policy / decision makers on harmonization of legislation, regulations and standards in buildings’ sector through several task forces and working groups
  • Promote the market of efficient appliances, by introducing a regional EE label for appliances, supporting MRV systems for MEPS for the most consuming appliances
  • Set-up a regional observatory for energy efficiency indicators in the 8 beneficiary countries enabling follow-up of progress

From Local to Regional and from Design to Implementation, a Set of Pilot Actions

Through components 3 and 4, several tools, technical assistance and studies will be provided. Pilot actions to adjust tools, methods and provide guidance will be implemented in some of the 8 beneficiary countries. It aims at supporting the design of several projects that could raise funds and interest stakeholders.

Capacity Building

Following market surveying and in alignment with project targets, it aims to avail training materials on various topics for broader sector of academia, public and private sector professionals and consultants. Additionally, professional training, knowledge exchange missions and courses will be developed on various topics. It will gather the existing material and provide some new tools as open online courses, peer to peer exchange (through twinning agreements for local authorities as an example).

Facilitate Access to Finance for Efficient Buildings and Performant Equipment

meetMED II is catalyzing regional expertise and knowledge to facilitate dialogue between banks, financial partners, institutions, public and private operators, and improve the visibility of existing funds. Accordingly, the secretariat will be able to propose innovative mechanisms for funding projects in the fields of buildings and appliances and assist project holders to get access to finance with a focus on public buildings, tertiary and industrial sectors.

Awareness Raising on the Clean Energy Transition

meetMED II pays a special attention to disseminating information and updates on the region’s transition towards clean sustainable energy among large regional/ national target audience including decision makers, policy designers, private and public sector, academia and all interested professionals. The workstream will be responsible for tailoring and launching special campaigns to disseminate the project results, avail training materials and promote EE in buildings and appliances.