The meetMED Workshop on Monitoring Tools for EE and RE Indicators in the Mediterranean will take place on 20 – 22 March 2019 in Beirut, Lebanon  for a team of experts from ALMEE (Lebanon), ANME (Tunisia), APRUE (Algeria), AMEE (Morocco).

According to the Paris Agreement, all countries have an interest to implement and strictly monitor their EE and RE policies and to measure more accurately their impact on climate.

Monitoring the National Energy Efficiency Action Plans (NEEAPs) in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries requires the definition of reliable indicators to assess the impact of policies, measure progress and identify possible next steps.

Building on the results of the MED-IEE project, which monitored the  EE indicators used in Algeria, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia between 1990 and 2010, the meetMED Workshop will now update the data for the period 2011- 2018.

The meetMED Workshop will aim specifically at:

  • Introducing meetMED objectives and expected outputs;
  • Training the experts to use EE indicators and relevant databases (MED OBSERV’EEER);
  • Identifying specific support needs in each country, if necessary;
  • Exchanging best practices on monitoring tools.

Further to the Beirut workshop, the meetMED experts will conduct country scoping missions in Palestine, Jordan and Egypt to evaluate the needs and the tools for monitoring EE policies. A  kick-off session has already taken place in Amman on 3 October 2018.

As a result of this activity, a regional report on monitoring NEEAPs, the National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAPs) and four country reports on Algeria, Morocco, Lebanon and Tunisia will be published before the end of 2019.

The Workshop is coordinated by ADEME and ALMEE and is financed by the own contribution of ADEME.

Find out more here.

The meetMED Workshop on Monitoring  EE and RE Indicators in the Mediterranean will take place on 20 – 22 March 2019 in Beirut, Lebanon.

Following-up the results of the MED-IEE1 project, which compiled reliable data about EE indicators used in Morocco, Algeria, Lebanon and Tunisia between 1990 and 2010, the Workshop will now update the collected data according to the new specific national needs by looking into the period 2012- 2018.

In the framework of the Paris Agreement, all countries need to implement stricter EE policies and to measure more accurately their impacts on climate. As others, the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries have elaborated National Energy Efficiency Action Plans (NEEAPs) indicating sector-specific measures to be implemented at the national level.

Monitoring the NEEAPs requires the definition of reliable indicators to assess the impact of policies, measure progress and identify possible next steps.

For this reason, this Workshop will aim specifically at:

  • Introducing meetMED objectives and expected outputs;
  • Creating a task force on EE indicators;
  • Creating a task force to using EE indicators databases;
  • Identifying specific support needs in each country, if necessary;
  • Exchanging best practices on monitoring tools.


The event is by invitation only.

The High Level Policy Dialogue (HLPD) is a platform on sustainable energy that brings together high-level representatives from international financing institutions, banks, private sector, international and regional organizations and governments.

The HLPD sheds the light on the need for regional cooperation among the above-mentioned stakeholders in North African and Middle Eastern countries, in order to further facilitate sustainable investments in the Renewable Energy (RE) and Energy Efficiency (EE) sectors in the region. Furthermore, it discusses the investment and financial tools in the fields of RE & EE that would foster climate change mitigation, while taking into account the countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions, and benefiting from EU’s experience in these policy domains.

The first working session will be held on 30 January 2019 in Barcelona, Spain.

Focus will be given to identifying new operational business models that could stimulate investments in these sectors.The outcomes of the dialogue will be helping in better formulating a mid to long-term cooperation between the EU and the Southern Mediterranean countries.

*The event is by invitation only.



Last week, Dr Dario Chello, president of MEDENER, was invited in Beirut by ALMEE (the Lebanese Association for Energy Saving and Environment) to discuss the meetMED approach to energy transition on the occasion of the Plenary Session of the 4th International Conference on Renewable Energies for Developing countries (REDEC 2018). In particular, he stressed that:


  • Nowadays, multilateralism lacks a solid support;
  • Despite this, the two main challenges in the Euro-Mediterranean Region – climate change and migration – cannot be faced easily at the national level;
  • The undesirable effects of climate change are getting everyday more and more visible and there is no much time left to act;
  • The completion of a free market for energy requires a significant amount of time. The EU internal market was launched in 1993 after 10 years spent setting it up. After 35 years, this market is now working properly enough but unfortunately, we cannot wait 35 years more for the completion of a broader Euro-Mediterranean market. Time to act is running out;
  • Conversely, meetMED is trying to speed up energy transition in the region as much as possible, thanks to a multilateral and pragmatic approach aiming at fostering immediate actions independently from the legislative and regulatory framework of each single State.

For further information about the Conference, please visit REDEC 2018 website.

A rede das agências nacionais de energia do Mediterrâneo (MEDENER) realizou, nos dias 17 e 18 de maio, a primeira reunião do consórcio e a sessão de lançamento do projeto MEETMED – Mitigation Enabling Energy Transition in the MEDiterranean Region. Os eventos tiveram lugar na sede da União para o Mediterrâneo, em Barcelona.

O projeto MEETMED, o primeiro da rede MEDENER com financiamento europeu, teve início no dia 2 de maio, na sequência da assinatura do contrato com a Direção-Geral da Política de Vizinhança e das Negociações de Alargamento (DG NEAR) da Comissão Europeia em 23 de abril. O projeto é gerido pela rede MEDENER, em consórcio com o RCREEE – Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, tem a duração de dois anos e um orçamento total próximo dos 2 milhões de euros.

(Teleborsa) – Con la firma presso il segretariato dell’Unione per il Mediterraneo a Barcellona ha preso il via MEETMED (Mitigation Enabling Energy Transition in the Mediterranean Region), il progetto europeo per facilitare la transizione energetica nei Paesi euro-mediterranei attraverso un sensibile incremento delle fonti rinnovabili e dell’efficienza energetica nel mix energetico dell’area entro il 2040.

Finanziato dall’Unione Eur con 1,6 milioni per una durata di 2 anni, il progetto MEETMED conta come partner MEDENER, l’associazione delle agenzie nazionali dei Paesi del Mediterraneo per le energie rinnovabili e l’efficienza energetica e il centro regionale RCREEE per le energie rinnovabili e l’efficienza energetica con sede al Cairo.

Con la firma presso il segretariato dell’Unione per il Mediterraneo a Barcellona ha preso il via MEETMED, il progetto europeo per facilitare la transizione energetica nei Paesi euro-mediterranei attraverso un sensibile incremento delle fonti rinnovabili e dell’efficienza energetica nel mix energetico dell’area entro il 2040.

progetto MEETMEDFinanziato dall’Ue con 1,6 milioni per una durata di 2 anni, il progetto MEETMED (Mitigation Enabling Energy Transition in the Mediterranean Region) conta come partner MEDENER, l’associazione delle agenzie nazionali dei Paesi del Mediterraneo per le energie rinnovabili e l’efficienza energetica e il centro regionale RCREEE per le energie rinnovabili e l’efficienza energetica con sede al Cairo.