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How can industrial associations and quality infrastructures for EE and RES support the energy transition? Two new meetMED reports are out!

The “Concept Note for the Creation of an Industrial Association of EE and RES Components’ Manufacturing to serve Local Markets ” focusing on the Maghreb countries is out today, as well as the meetMED report on Quality Infrastructures for Defined EE and RES Equipment and Services in the SEMCs !

The concept note assesses the feasibility of the creation of Industrial RE and EE associations in three targeted Maghreb countries (Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia). Regional experiences and national case studies that contributed to the preparation of this concept note were shared at a workshop held in Algiers in November 2019.

Read the full meetMED concept note here!

The meetMED report analyses the important role of product standardization and personnel certification as effective tools for the deployment of new clean energy practices at the regional and national levels. In order to do so, this report compiles the results of the questionnaires developed and conducted by the meetMED experts to the key national quality infrastructure representatives across the SEM region. Furthermore, it provides categorized recommendations that were generated during a workshop held in Algiers in October 2019 .

Read the full meetMED report here!