The Concerted Action on Buildings from meetMED Project Perspective

(Click here for speakers’ bios)

Introductory Roundtable

  • Agathe Lacombe, meetMED Project Manager, ADEME
  • Alessandro Fiorini, WP2 Leader, ENEA (Download PDF)
  • João Cleto, Activity A2.2 Leader, ADENE

A2.2 Concerted Actions on Buildings – Key developments and session work plan João Cleto, Activity A2.2 Leader, ADENE (Download PDF)

Technical Working Group (TWG): workshop, results wrap-up, recommendations.

Hands-on! After short pitches from REN experts in some of the priority topics identified, participants worked together, aggregated according to their common interests and working groups. The sessions were dynamic with live polls and giant templates so that each country/group starts the work of the policy guideline templates of their own country and fine tune key messages according to the event’s conclusions.

WG1 – Energy Efficiency Building Codes

  • Session 1 – Cooling buildings and the planet
    • Insights from the COOL_UP project, Nesen Surmeli Anac, Guidehouse (Download PDF)
  • Session 2 – Improving and implementing building codes – tips for newcomers

WG 3 – Labelling and Training

  • Session 3 – EPC and EPB standards: Common standards, better certification
    • Rui Fragoso, Head of Buildings and Efficiency of Resources, ADENE, Portugal (Download PDF)
  • Session 4 – EPC and EPB standards: Links to policy implementation
    • Nada Belkebi, EE & RE Engineer, AMEE, Morocco (Download PDF)

WG 4 – Financing

  • Session 5 – Financing schemes for energy efficiency and links to building codes, standards and labelling
    • PRE 5000 a financing tool for energy efficiency in buildings, Eva Martínez Caraballo ,IDEA (Download PDF)
  • Finalise and update A2.2 main messages and takeaways

Technical Working Group: Concerted Action on Appliances

(Click here for speakers’ bios)

meetMED experts from target countries convened to share their perspectives on promoting energy-efficient appliances in the Southern Neighbourhood, with the ultimate goal of facilitating the green energy transition in their respective nations through the formation of technical working groups. Before this discussion, the workshop presented an overview of Activity A2.3’s progress, next steps, and expected outcomes.

  • Introductory session: Alessandro Fiorini (ENEA), WP2 Leader
  • Presentations on the A2.3 and conducted work-outcomes: Khuzama Wardeh (RCREEE), Ahmed Khalil (RCREEE), A2.3 Activity Leaders (Download PDF)

Session 1: Regional approach and success stories

  • Keynote presentation, Roberta Boniotti, MEDENER

Session 2: Egypt: Appliances Landscape in Egypt: Identifying Significant Policy Gaps

Technical Working Groups: Roundtable discussions:

  • Financing of efficient appliances – Roundtable

Moderated discussions by: Mohamed Abdelhameed, RCREEE

Rasmi Hamzah, JREEEF, Jordan
Hakima El Madradi, AMEE
Julien Potron, Expert and Romaric Segla, Program Officer at IFDD – Institut de la Francophonie pour le Développement Durable (Download PDF)

  • MEPS, Labelling, and Testing & Marker surveillance (20 min)

Moderated discussions by: Khuzama Wardeh, RCREEE

RSS, Jordan, Mohammad Mosleh
ALMEE, Lebanon, Tony Matar (Online)


Mohamed Sherwali (RCREEE)

  • Scrapping campaigns & public awareness – Roundtable

Moderated discussions by: Ahmed Abdelrasoul, RCREEE

AMEE, Amine Ahmarras

RSS, Jordan, Mohammad Mosleh

       Mona Ragy, NREA
       ANME (TBD) 

Takeaway Messages & Closing