GRASSMed is a building certification system for Lebanon and the Mediterranean region adapted to the uses of the southern shore countries. Developed in Lebanon as part the second phase of meetMED Project funded by the EU, the tool is being adjusted to other Mediterranean countries. It serves both as a regional platform for training stakeholders concerned with energy efficiency and as a performance standard for new and existing buildings in the residential and commercial sectors. GRASSMed aims to support the efforts of Mediterranean actors concerned with the reduction of environmental impacted generated by the building industry through the promotion of exchanges and the use of shared tools for training and certification.

This event brings together meetMED II experts and potential involved stakeholders in Jordan and Palestine, coordinated by the Lebanese association for energy saving and for environment (ALMEE). It aims at:

  • Training “Building” experts and stakeholders on the design and construction of sustainable buildings using the regional Green Building Rating System GRASSMed;
  • Creating a space for exchange for institutional and professional players and for sharing knowledge and skills on sustainable buildings;
  • Promoting the construction of sustainable buildings in Jordan and Palestine and encourage the penetration and development of green materials, equipment and technologies;
  • Promoting energy efficiency in buildings (new and existing, social or standing) using a regional label (GRASSMed) as a vehicle for awareness, communication and exchange of expertise;
  • Promoting the regional voluntary green building certification system in addition to the national green labels (if they exist), verification and validation of energy building performance and environmental qualities.

Green & Sustainable Buildings (Global Status, Palestine & Jordan)

  • Anissia Beainy, Director of Research & Development and Green Hydrogen Department, ALMEE, Green and Sustainable Buildings Global Status (Download PDF)
  • Racha Diab, EE Senior Engineer, PENRA/PEC, Green and Sustainable Buildings Status in Palestine (Download PDF)
  • Muhieddin Tawalbeh, Expert / Energy Efficiency, RSS/NERC, Green and Sustainable Buildings Status in Jordan (Download PDF)

Section I: Overview & Section II : Envelope

  • Adel Mourtada, Vice President, Director of Sustainable Buildings and Mobility Department, ALMEE
    • Section I: Overview on GRASSMed (Download PDF)
    • Section II: Thermal Performance of Buildings | Envelope (Download PDF)
    • Section II: Thermal Standard Building Compliance Software (Download PDF)

Section III: Green Sites

Sabine Saad, Director of Ecological Transition and Cooperation Department, ALMEE


Section IV: Energy Design and Equipment

  • Adel Mourtada, Vice President, Director of Sustainable Buildings and Mobility Department, ALMEE, ECO – CONSTRUCTION – E2 (Download PDF)
  • Adnan Jouni , ALMEE, SOLAR WATER HEATER– EDE1 (Download PDF)
  • Anissia Beainy, Director of Research & Development and Green Hydrogen Department, ALMEE, DAYLIGHT DESIGN – EDE3 (Download PDF)
  • Anissia Beainy, Director of Research & Development and Green Hydrogen Department, ALMEE, EFFICIENT LIGHTING – EDE5A (Download PDF); HIGH EFFICIENCY PARKING LIGHTING EDE5B (Download PDF); BACKUP ELECTRICITY – EDE7 (Download PDF); BUILDING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM EDE8 (Download PDF)

GrassMED Green Building Rating System Training | Quizzes