Virtual Meeting

Launching meetMED II

Regional Cooperation for an Energy Efficient Future

April 7, 2021 / 7 avril 2021 / التاريخ: 7 أبريل 2021

9:30am - 12:15pm CET

An event organized by MEDENER in cooperation with RCREEE.

The event is organized as part of the activities of meetMED II (Mitigation Enabling Energy Transition in the Mediterranean Region, second phase), an EU-funded project developed by MEDENER and RCREEE.

Un évènement organisé par MEDENER en coopération avec le RCREEE

Cet atelier est organisé dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du projet meetMED – Phase II (L’atténuation comme facteur de transition énergétique dans la région Méditerranéenne), un projet cofinancé par l’Union Européenne et mis en œuvre par MEDENER et le RCREEE

يتم تنظيم هذا الحدث من قبل اتحاد البحر الأبيض المتوسط للوكالات الوطنية لحفظ الطاقة (MEDENER) والمركز الإقليمي للطاقة المتجددة وكفاءة الطاقة (RCREEE).

هذا الحدث هو جزء من أنشطة المرحلة الثانية من مشروع تمكين نقل الطاقة في منطقة البحر الأبيض المتوسط (meetMED II)، وهو مشروع ممول من الاتحاد الأوروبي تم تطويره من قبل اتحاد البحر الأبيض المتوسط للوكالات الوطنية لحفظ الطاقة (MEDENER) والمركز الإقليمي للطاقة المتجددة وكفاءة الطاقة

جدول الاعمال المبدئي

تسجيل المشاركين


الجلسة الافتتاحية
ستفانو دوتو، المديرية العامة لمفاوضات سياسات الجوار والتوسع ( DG NEAR) المفوضية الأوروبية
جورجيو غراديتي، رئيس، اتحاد البحر الأبيض المتوسط للوكالات الوطنية لحفظ الطاقة (MEDENER)
ماجد كرم الدين محمود، القائم بأعمال المدير التنفيذي، المركز الإقليمي للطاقة المتجددة وكفاءة الطاقة (RCREEE)

ستفانو دوتو، المديرية العامة لمفاوضات سياسات الجوار والتوسع ( DG NEAR) المفوضية الأوروبية
جورجيو غراديتي، رئيس، اتحاد البحر الأبيض المتوسط للوكالات الوطنية لحفظ الطاقة (MEDENER)
ماجد كرم الدين محمود، القائم بأعمال المدير التنفيذي، المركز الإقليمي للطاقة المتجددة وكفاءة الطاقة (RCREEE)


الجلسة الأولى: دائرة نقاش حول الأولويات الوطنية والإقليمية

المنسق: أشرف كريدي، المركز الإقليمي للطاقة المتجددة وكفاءة الطاقة(RCREEE)
المهندسة/ جميلة مطر- د. نوري الكشريوي ، إدارة الطاقة، جامعة الدول العربية
المهندس/ فتحي الحنشي، المدير العام، للوكالة الوطنيّة للتـّحكـّم في الطاقة (ANME)—تونس (TBC)
السيد/ نائب المدير التنفيذي، هيئة الطاقة الجديدة والمتجددة (NREA)- مصر
السيد/ طاهر موساوي، الوكالة الوطنية لترقية و ترشيد استعمال الطاقة (APRUE) – الجزائر
السيد/ رضوان يوسف، الوكالة المغربية للنجاعة الطاقية AMEE- المغرب


الجلسة الثانية: نبذة حول المرحلة الثانية من

الجلسة الثانية: نبذة حول المرحلة الثانية من مشروع meetMED

المنسق : روبرتا بونيوتي، الأمين العام، اتحاد البحر الأبيض المتوسط للوكالات الوطنية لحفظ الطاقة (MEDENER)
نظرة عامة على منهجية العمل والبرنامج الزمني:السيدة/ أليسيا تسيتسيكاليس ، الوكالة الفرنسية للبيئة وإدارة الطاقة (ADEME) – (10 دقائق)
عروض من فريق المشروع:
أليساندرو فيديريتشي -ENEA ،; ا/ ماري بيير ميلان ،ADEME– ، م/ سارة إبراهيمRCREEE ، م/ ريم بوختشينة، RCREEE ، ا/ نهى جمال RCREEEE


الجلسة الثالثة: دائرة نقاش حول المبادرات الإقليمية

المنسق: فلورنتين فيسر، كبير مستشاري فريق الطاقة في الشؤون العالمية – إدارة التنمية الدولية بوكالة المشاريع الهولندية (
ا/ هيلين ناصر، وكالة التعاون الدولي الألماني (GIZ)، برنامج كفاءة الطاقة في المباني PEEB))
أ/بلانكا مورينو دودسون ، مركز التكامل المتوسطي
أ/ برنارد ماسابو – EEB Community
السيد/ زهير حمدي، الوكالة الدولية للطاقة المتجددة (آيرينا)
السيدة/ السيدة راضية السداوي ، الإسكوا


أسئلة وأجوبة


الجلسة الختامية

الجلسة الختامية
ليونيداس كيوسيس / ماركو بيرتي بالزي- المديرية العامة لمفاوضات سياسات الجوار والتوسع (DG NEAR) المفوضية الأوروبية
روبرتا بونيوتي، الأمين العام، اتحاد البحر الأبيض المتوسط للوكالات الوطنية لحفظ الطاقة (MEDENER)
ماجد كرم الدين محمود، القائم بأعمال المدير التنفيذي، المركز الإقليمي للطاقة المتجددة وكفاءة الطاقة (RCREEE)


ماشياً مع الاستراتيجية الأوروبية مع دول الجوار الجنوبي والبيان الصادر يوم الثلاثاء عن دائرة العمل الخارجي الأوروبي المشترك للمفوضية الأوروبية بتاريخ 9/2/2021 حول “شراكة متجددة مع الجوار الجنوبي: أجندة جديدة لمنطقة بحر الأبيض المتوسط” وأهداف الدول الخاصة بالمناخ والتحول الطاقوي؛

يهدف مشروع تمكين الانتقال الطاقي في منطقة المتوسط من خلال إجراءات التخفيف البيئية (meetMED II) في مرحلته الثانية إلى تعزيز أمن الطاقة للدول المستهدفة وانتقالها إلى اقتصاد يعتمد على الطاقة النظيفة مما يساهم في خلق مجتمعات واقتصادات مستقرة وفعالة وتنافسية ومقاومة للتغير المناخي.

وقد مهدت المرحلة الأولى من المشروع (خلال الفترة 2018-2020) من خلال تحديد عدد من القضايا الخاصة بكفاءة الطاقة في المباني والأجهزة المنزلية ليستمر المشروع في مرحلته الثانية في التركيز والاهتمام بما تم تحديده من قضايا خلال الفترة 2021-2024.

يعد قطاع المباني أحد أكبر القطاعات المستهلكة للطاقة، حيث يمثل حوالي 20٪ إلى 35٪ من استهلاك الطاقة في دول المشروع. وفيما يتعلق بالنمو الديمغرافي والحضري السريع في هذه الدول فإن كفاءة الطاقة في قطاع المباني هي أحد أهم ركائز خطط العمل الوطنية لكفاءة الطاقة.

ويعمل مشروع meetMED في المرحلة الثانية على تشجيع ودفع تنفيذ تدابير كفاءة الطاقة وتحسين مزيج الطاقة في دول المشروع مع التركيز على قطاعي المباني والأجهزة المنزلية. ويعمل المشروع على تعزيز التعاون الإقليمي من خلال تعزيز الشراكات على المستوى المحلي والإقليمي في مختلف القطاعات. كما يطمح المشروع إلى نشر تدابير الطاقة المتجددة وكفاءة الطاقة في قطاعات المباني والأجهزة المنزلية (الهدف الفرعي 1) مع زيادة الوعي العام بشأن المخاطر والتحديات الرئيسية للطاقة والاستثمارات اللازمة في هذه القطاعات (الهدف الفرعي 2).

ويتم تصميم وتنفيذ مشروع meetMED من قبل اتحاد البحر الأبيض المتوسط للوكالات الوطنية لحفظ الطاقة MEDENER))، وهو منظمة دولية لا تهدف الربح تجمع عدد من الهيئات من شمال وجنوب منطقة البحر الأبيض المتوسط. وهي مسؤولة عن تنفيذ السياسات العامة المتعلقة بكفاءة الطاقة وتعزيز مصادر الطاقة المتجددة؛ بالتعاون مع المركز الإقليمي للطاقة المتجددة وكفاءة الطاقة (RCREEE) هو منظمة حكومية دولية ذات صفة دبلوماسية تسعي إلى تفعيل وزيادة الاستفادة من ممارسات الطاقة المتجددة وكفاءة الطاقة في المنطقة العربية.

ويعتمد المشروع على شبكة موسعة من الخبراء والأنشطة فيما يخص القوانين والسياسات وكذلك النواحي الفنية والمالية والاجتماعية في القطاعات المستهدفة بدءً من مرحلة التخطيط حتى مرحلة التنفيذ والمراقبة. ومن خلال اختبار آليات وإجراءات المشروع المبتكرة على المستوى المحلي والمستوى الإقليمي، سوف يتم تبادل الخبرات بين دول المشروع مما يساهم في تبني تدابير قوية ومؤثرة.

ويسلط الاجتماع الأول لمشروع meetMED في مرحلته الثانية علي:

  • تقديم المشروع وخطة العمل المقترحة واستراتيجية التنفيذ
  • جمع التوصيات من الشركاء بشأن التحديات والأولويات
  • تحديد أوجه التعاون الممكنة مع أصحاب المصالح والعمل علي حشد الجهود لتعزيز نتائج المشروع

En cohérence avec la politique européenne de voisinage et la récente communication conjointe SEAE-CE publiée le 9/2/21 sur le «Partenariat renouvelé avec le voisinage méridional, un nouvel agenda pour la Méditerranée», le projet meetMED II vise à contribuer à renforcer la sécurité énergétique des pays bénéficiaires tout en favorisant leur transition vers une économie à faibles émissions de carbone, contribuant ainsi à des contextes socio-économiques plus stables, efficaces, compétitifs et résilients au climat. Une première phase (MEETMED I, de 2018-2020) a ouvert la voie à cette deuxième phase (2021-2024) en identifiant les défis et enjeux à relever notamment dans les secteurs du bâtiment et de l’électroménager. En effet, le secteur du bâtiment est l’un des plus gros secteurs consommateurs d’énergie, responsable de 20% à 35% de la consommation énergétique des pays cibles de meetMED.

A l’aune de la croissance démographique de la zone et des dynamiques d’urbanisation, l’efficacité énergétique dans le secteur du bâtiment est au cœur des plans d’action et stratégies nationaux pour l’efficacité énergétique. Cette deuxième phase vise à renforcer la mise en œuvre des mesures d’efficacité énergétique notamment dans les secteurs du bâtiment et des appareils électroménagers grâce à une approche multi-échelles, multipartenaires et inclusive, aux niveaux local comme régional, s’appuyant sur la coopération régionale. Ce projet a une large ambition de déploiement massif de mesures d’énergie renouvelable et d’efficacité énergétique dans les secteurs du bâtiment et de l’électroménager (sous-objectif 1) tout en sensibilisant le public aux principaux enjeux et défis énergétiques et aux investissements dans ces secteurs (sous-objectif 2).

Le projet est porté par MEDENER, association internationale regroupant des agences du Nord et du Sud de la région méditerranéenne en charge de la maîtrise de l’énergie; et au Centre régional pour les énergies renouvelables et l’efficacité énergétique (RCREEE), organisation intergouvernementale visant à permettre et à accroître l’adoption des énergies renouvelables et des pratiques d’efficacité énergétique dans la région arabe. Plus d’une centaine d’experts et d’acteurs seront mobilisés pour aborder les enjeux de régulation mais aussi les problématiques techniques, financières et sociales, de l’identification des solutions à leur mise en œuvre et au suivi. Basé sur l’expérimentation de plusieurs outils et sur des actions pilotes, le projet interviendra du niveau local, au niveau national et régional et contribuera au partage d’expériences à l’échelle du Bassin Méditerranéen pour des mesures pertinentes, efficaces et pérennes.

Cet atelier de lancement contribuera aux objectifs suivants:

  • Présenter le contenu, le plan d’action et la stratégie de mise en œuvre du projet meetMED II
  • Recueillir les recommandations des partenaires externes sur les défis et les priorités régionales
  • Partager la stratégie de mise en œuvre avec les principales parties prenantes régionales, identifier les synergies et rechercher leur mobilisation pour enrichir les résultats et impacts du projet

L’interprétation simultanée sur Zoom sera assurée en français / anglais / arabe.



Enregistrement des participants


Mots d’ouverture

Stefano Dotto, DG NEAR, EU Commission

Giorgio Graditi, President, MEDENER

Giorgio Graditi is the Director of the Department of Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources of ENEA. He received the doctoral degree and the Laurea degree (cum laude) in Electrical Engineering and received the national qualification as Full Professor in the sector of electrical energy engineering. His main research interests are: design, modelling and tools development for the control and management of Smart Grids and microgrids in the presence of DER; power system design and control; integrated energy networks by multi-objective techniques; design, management, control and optimization of multi-energy hubs; renewable energy resources and renewable energy communities; smart sector integration; demand response; PV, CSP electrical and thermal design, characterization and testing; RES production and demand forecasting based on artificial intelligence techniques. He is author of more than 250 scientific papers (with
H-index 33) published in international journals and proceedings of international conference, most of them awarded as highly cited papers. He is also peer review, associated editor, member of editorial and advisory board of scientific journals, and chairman in international conferences. He is responsible of many R&D contracts and agreements in the energy sector with international and national stakeholders. Since April 2019, he is the President of MEDENER, Mediterranean Association of National Agencies for Energy Management for energy efficiency and the development of renewable energy sources, and since May 2019 is the Coordinator of the Scientific Technical Committee of National Energy Technological Cluster under the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research. He is a member of IEA task 11 “PV Hybrid systems within mini-grids” and task 14 “High penetration of PV systems in electricity grids” and of Italian Electrotechnical Committee (CEI) CT 82 “Solar photovoltaic”, CT 316 “Connection to LV, MV and HV distribution networks” and CT 313 “Smart grids”. He is operating as Italian member for Mission

Innovation Challenge 1 “Smart Grids” and Challenge 2 “Off-grid access to electricity”, and he is a member of the working group of the thematic area “Industrial Energy” for the “Climate, Energy and Sustainable Mobility” area set up by the Italian Ministry of University and Research within the drafting of the national research plan 2020-2027. He is the vice-coordinator of the Joint Programme on Smart Grid (JP SG) within European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) and the responsible of many National and European (FP7, H2020) projects on the topics of RES, integrated energy networks and smart grid.

Maged K. Mahmoud, Acting Executive Director, RCREEE

M. Mahmoud is a sustainable energy expert and the Acting executive Director of RCREEE. He has joined RCREEE in 2011, where he played a key role in formulating renewable energy (RE) strategies and introducing respective implementation mechanisms focusing on increased reliance on private sector. Dr. Mahmoud is an active member of the League of Arab States RE/EE Committee and since 2013 he has been leading the regional “Private Investment Promotion Portfolio”, where several business models and instruments have been explored to support both utility- and small-scale developers, and to assess the economic and social impacts. He has also served for 20 years at the Egyptian New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA). Among his key achievements, he contributed significantly to setting the Egyptian RE 2022 strategy targeting 20% renewables share, and in the design of the “best-fit” policies and measures for the strategy implementation. He deeply contributed to planning and contracting several megawatts of wind energy projects amounting to more than 700 million USD. Dr. Mahmoud holds the “Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research Award for Development and Innovations in Renewable Energy” since 2001. He has managed and contributed to over 40 research projects and studies in the sustainable energy fields in collaboration with national and international organizations.


Session 1 – Round table on regional priorities

Moderator: Ashraf Kraidy, RCREEE

A. Kraidy is an electrical engineer, RE and EE expert with more than 15 years of expertise in cost-effective policies design, support institution capabilities, technical assistance, and implementation strategies in the Arab region. Since 2016, he serves as Planning Director at the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE), where he is in charge of organizational planning, fundraising and communication development of RCREEE. Mr. Kraidy has participated in several projects, strategic activities and initiatives serving the transformation of the Arab region towards the adoption of sustainable energy solutions. He started his career in 2002 at the Syrian Ministry of Electricity in Damascus. In 2009, he started his working experience at RCREEE as a Senior Energy Expert and Initiations Portfolio Manager. In 2013, he was assigned to work as a Senior Advisor to the Energy Department at the League of Arab States on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Building (BMUB). Mr. Kraidy obtained his master’s degree in Power Engineering in 2009, specializing on EE labels and standards for home appliances.

- Dr. Nouri Al Kishriwi, Energy Department, LAS,

Associate professor in Mechanical Engineering. In 2007, he has received his PhD. from RWTH Aachen University-Germany. In 1992, he started his career at the University of Tripoli. Currently, he is working as an energy advisor at the League of Arab States (LAS), specialized as an energy advisor for energy efficiency and Renewable energy. He has several years of experience in working with national and international partners in the fields of energy policy and strategies as well as in setting up EE and RE programs, energy audits, and energy management systems. He has also conducting many techno-economic feasibility studies for the implementation of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects

- M. Fethi Hanchi, Directeur Général de l’ANME, Tunisia

Since 2011, F. Hanchi has been the Director of the Division for the Rational Use of Energy at ANME. As such, he has been in charge of the management and coordination of energy efficiency programs and activities in the tertiary, residential, building and transport sectors in Tunisia. His portfolio also includes a national programme for energy efficiency in the public sector, energy efficiency conventions with local authorities, as well as national and Mediterranean cooperation projects. Graduated in mechanical engineering, Mr Hanchi has more than 19 years of experience in energy efficiency. He has been actively involved in the energy sector reform in Tunisia and contributed designing, implementing and evaluating energy efficiency programs in the country. He has a solid track record in the economic and managerial aspects of energy efficiency. Since March 2019, he has been nominated General Director at ANME.

- M. Tahar Moussaoui, APRUE, Algeria

T. Moussaoui is an architect from the Polytechnic School of Architecture and Urbanism of Algiers, specialized in Bioclimatic. He dedicated himself entirely to the energy efficiency of the building and more particularly to the building envelope.
He started his professional career in design offices and property developers, and then he joined the research center for the development of renewable energy (CDER), performing on their behalf various missions namely, realization, project management, and research. These experiences were exciting and very beneficial, allowing acquiring diverse and varied experiences related to the Architect’s profession.
Currently at the Head of the Communication, Training and International Cooperation Directorate within the National Agency for the Promotion and Rationalization of Energy Use, APRUE, insuring the management of the energy efficiency projects of the Agency, energy auditor and professional trainer.

- M. Radouane Yessouf, AMEE, Morocco

Radouan YESSOUF is a Certified Energy Manager CEM and CMVP, specialized in building energy, graduated from the University of Liège in Belgium. He joined the Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency AMEE in 2011 as manager of Energy Efficiency in the Building. He was the coordinator of the Regional Program for the Development of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the Oriental in Morocco, led by ADEREE and UNDP. He is a certified trainer in building energy and supervisor of several Master’s theses and final dissertations. He is also president of an association for local development and environmental protection.

Deputy Chairman New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA), Egypt


Session 2 – Overview of meetMED II project

Moderator: Roberta Boniotti – Secretary General, MEDENER

Roberta Boniotti is Secretary General of MEDENER, the Mediterranean Association of National Agencies for Energy Management, since 2016, and Advisor on International and European Affairs at ENEA “Institutional Affairs, EU and International Relations Unit”, in Brussels, since 2010. Previously, she was a Member of Board of Directors and Chair/Member of Board of Auditors in several private research companies in the energy and environment field, member of the ENEA Spin-off Committee, responsible for Business Plans’ evaluation (1999-2006), and Head of Unit “Company Relations Management” at ENEA Headquarters in Rome (2006-2010). Roberta Boniotti is an economist, holds a Master in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Bologna, and has more than 20 years of experience in the sectors of energy, the environment, and sustainable economic development. She is ENEA representative in the EnR, the European Energy Network, and in the EEFIG, the Energy Efficiency Financial Institution Group, managed by the EU Commission, aiming at accelerating private finance to energy efficiency. She has been working as a member of the Advisory Board of Sustainable Energy Investments Forums Initiative (EU Commission and several financial and non-financial institutions) for some years, and she was a member of the Africa Europe High-Level Platform for sustainable energy investment in Africa, in the working group “Business models and sustainable energy investments”. She is member of the Executive Working group of TAFTIE, the European association of leading Innovation Agencies, and animator of the “High potential SME Community” managed by Euroquity (BPIFrance). She has been involved in different EU funded projects, drafting and budgeting several projects, including the recent meetMED (phase I and II) “Mitigation enabling Energy Transition in the Mediterranean region”.

Overview of meetMED II approach and timelines

- Ms Alicia Tsitsikalis, ADEME

Socio-economist and policy framework analyst, A. Tsitsikalis graduated from the Institute of the Political Studies (IEP) of Paris and holds a master’s degree in Industrial development and project evaluation from the IEDES-Sorbonne in Paris. She has been working for 12 years for an international NGO, the GRET, both on the field – Mauritania (2006-2009) and Cambodia (2015-2017) – and in the headquarters, undertaking several missions on water, sanitation and solid waste management projects in several low-income countries in Africa and Asia. Since 2018, she has been working for the French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME), where she is responsible for bilateral and regional cooperation in Mediterranean countries. Her fields of expertise are related to governance issues and policy implementation on environment related topics (governance, economic management, capacity building, transverse studies and diagnosis).
She assumes the role of project manager for meetmed II project.

Panel of presentations :

- Alessandro Federici, ENEA,

A. Federici has been a researcher at ENEA since 2007. Currently, he is the Head of the Monitoring Laboratory of energy efficiency policies at ENEA’s Department for Energy Efficiency. Since 2016, he has been the coordinator of ENEA’s working group dealing with the Italian National Energy Efficiency Action Plans and the Annual Reports to the European Commission, and providing support to the Ministry of Economic Development in the revision process of EE Directives. He is the project leader of the ENEA’s Energy Efficiency Annual Reports and Tax Deduction Scheme Annual Report. He is the Italian delegate in the Energy Efficiency Working Party of the International Energy Agency (IEA), in the Executive Committee of the International Partnership for the Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC), and in the Implementation Working Group for Energy Efficiency in Industry (IWG6) of the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan).

- Ms Rim Boukhchina, RCREEE,

R. Boukhchina is a project manager and senior sustainable energy expert at RCREEE. She is involved in various projects related to renewable energy and energy efficiency deployment in the Arab region. Her activities include analysis and design of RE and EE projects, development of RE and EE National Action Plans, assessment of RE integration to the grid, design and the implementation of RE and EE policies and strategies and planning and implementation of capacity development activities in RE and EE fields. She is a senior technical expert with more than 20 years’ experience in strategic studies, Planning and developing RE projects. She started her career as energy planner in the Tunisian Utility of Electricity and Gas (STEG) and was involved in various domains related to new technologies studies, EE and demand side management, and renewable energy for electricity production and sustainable development. Mrs. Boukhchina has also been deeply involved in several Euro-Mediterranean projects and studies in the sustainable energy fields in collaboration with national and international organizations (EU, OME, WB, GIZ, IRENA, UNDP…).

- Ms. Marie-Pierre Meillan, ADEME,

Marie-Pierre Meillan is an engineer and economist with the International Division of the French Agency for an Ecological Transition (ADEME), coordinating international buildings and city projects. Previously, she worked 8 years as an engineer with ADEME’s regional office in Brittany to support local authorities in promoting energy efficiency in buildings and developing strategies climate and energy strategies for the building sector

- Ms. Sara Elhag, RCREEE,

S. Ibrahim is a Senior Renewable Energy Expert heading the SE Project Implementation and Private Investment Promotion Unit at the RCREEE, where she works in achieving the centre’s goals of spreading the use of clean energy systems and increasing the adoption of renewable energies in the Arab World region. Her responsibilities include the design, management and implementation of Renewable Energies (RE) and Energy Efficiency (EE) projects. Coming from the engineering field, Ms Ibrahim has a very competitive academic background. She is a former Chevening Scholar and a certified Project Manager (PMP) who holds two master degrees from one of the highly esteemed universities in the United Kingdom (The University of Leeds) from which she received an MSc in Sustainable Energy Systems and another MSc in Electrical Engineering and both were awarded with distinctions. Her exceptional work during the Master of Sustainable energy systems has awarded her two prizes for the research project and the Academic Performance. During her work in the National Electricity Corporation (NEC), Sudan, she received an award from the GM for her work in the National Load Dispatch Centre (NLDC) project where she worked as a senior electrical engineer at first and later as the manager of Khartoum zone. Previously, she worked in the consultancy field where she was a Unit Manager in a leading consultancy company in her home country Sudan.

- Ms.Noha Gamal, RCREEE,

Noha Gamal is RCREEE’s Operations and Member States Relations Manager

Ms. Gamal El Din is a senior executive with over 20 years’ national, regional and international experience in Government Relations, Strategic Communications, Youth development and Human Capital Management . She currently holds the position of Director of Operations and Member States Relations at RCREEE. She has over 20 years of extensive experience in Public Affairs, Community Development and Strategic Communication.

She joined RCREEE in 2010 and has since been responsible for maintaining strategic communications with Member States representatives , organizing key Internal and External Relations engagements at Ministerial level. She has a proven record of over 400 regional campaigns and events in the field. In addition, she led all Human Resources affairs, and for 9 years has successfully managed the Arab Sustainable Energy Youth™ (APSEY) with almost 100 of young interns now turned professionals in the field of Sustainable Energy.


Session 3 – Round table on regional initiatives

Moderator:Florentine Visser, Senior Advisor of the Energy Team at Global Affairs - International Development Department of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (

Florentine Visser (Msc.) is senior advisor in the Energy Team of the International Development Department at the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). In the Energy Transition Facility, commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she develops bilateral knowledge exchange with selected governments.

Florentine has a longstanding experience in energy efficient building in the Netherlands and MENA region, ranging from design and construction to strategic policy advise. Graduate from the Building Engineering Faculty, at the Eindhoven University of Technology (NL) and award winner in competitions on water and energy efficient building.

- Ms Helen Nasser (GiZ) - PEEB program in Morocco and Tunisia and perspectives

Helen Naser is an advisor at the Programme for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (PEEB), an initiative of the French and German governments. She currently coordinates GIZ’s PEEB implementation in Tunisia and Morocco. An economist by training, she has devoted much of her professional life to energy transition challenges and more particularly energy efficiency in the buildings sector from a public policy and finance perspective. She worked for GIZ and consultancy companies among others in Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco.

- M. Bernard Massabo, EEB Community (Interreg MED Project)

Bernard MASSABO is an engineer from the rench « Ecole des Ponts Paris Tech » Engineering School.
After graduating, he has been working for the private sector at international level.
He joined fifteen years ago the Local Authority Nice Cote d’Azur Metropolis, on the urban planning and development side.
Since five years, he has been appointed General Secretary of the Euromed Cities Network.
Gathering more than 150 cities from the EU and the MED Basin, the Euromed Cities Network aims at strengthening the transborder cooperation in the Mediterranean region by implementing projects related to innovation, fight against climate change, notably energy efficiency, waste and water management, youth employment, security, …

- Ms Blanca Moreno-Dodson, Center for Mediterranean Integration

Blanca Moreno-Dodson is the Manager of the Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI), a partnership between the World Bank and several national, regional, and local authorities from around the Mediterranean, as well as international financial institutions and civil society.
She has over twenty-eight years of experience as a World Bank development economist, including several positions as Lead Economist, mainly for the Global Tax Team, the West Africa Region, the Investment Climate Department, and the Office of the Vice-President for Poverty Reduction and Economic Management. As a Senior Economist, she previously worked at the World Bank Institute, the West Africa Region, and the Corporate Strategy Group of the World Bank. Her regional experience includes the Middle East and North Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Sub-Saharan Africa, and East Asia (China, India, and Indonesia). She started her career as a Robert Shuman scholar at the European Parliament and as junior economist at the European Commission, before joining the World Bank Group.
Moreno-Dodson authored and co-authored five books throughout her career including “Enhancing Mediterranean Integration” (CMI, 2020), “Winning the Tax Wars, Tax Competition and Cooperation” (Wolters Kluwer, 2017), “Is Fiscal Policy the Answer? A Developing Country Perspective” (World Bank, 2013), “Public Finance for Poverty Reduction. Case Studies for Africa and Latin America” (World Bank, 2006) and “Scaling Up Poverty Reduction” (World Bank, 2005). She has also been published in several internationally renowned economic journals, such as the Bulletin of Economic Research, Hacienda Pública Española, the USA National Tax Association Journal, and Banca d’Italia Annual Volumes.
She is a member of the Alumni Strategic Council of the Aix-Marseille University, France, and of the Steering Committee of the Navarra Center for International Development, Spain, and a guest lecturer at Duke University, USA, and Aix-Marseille University, France.
Moreno-Dodson holds a Ph.D. as well as a Masters (Diplome D’Etudes Approfondies) in International Economics and Finance from the University of Aix-Marseille, France, in addition to a Masters (Licenciatura) in Economics from the University Autonomous of Madrid, Spain. Originally from Zaragoza, Spain, she is fluent in Spanish, French, English, and Portuguese.

- Mme Radia Sedaoui, UN-ESCWA

Ms. Radia Sedaoui is the Chief of the Energy Section in the Climate Change and Natural Resource Sustainability Cluster of the UN Economic Social Commission of West Asia (ESCWA).
Ms. Sedaoui has an extensive experience in energy policy advice, renewable energy and energy efficiency, energy modeling, water-energy-food nexus, economic diversification and climate change policies and technologies, petroleum economics, oil and gas fiscal regimes and energy market developments.
Ms. Radia previously served as Head Statistics and Gas Modeling Department at the Intergovernmental Organization of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum and previously held several senior positions in Algeria with “Sonatrach” as Director of Strategy and Corporate, Head Portfolio management and member of the Board of Directors of Sonatrach affiliates in Upstream, Midstream and Trading.
Ms. Sedaoui holds a Bachelor of Industrial Engineering, master’s in petroleum economics and master’s degree in business administration. Ms. Radia is the President of the “Arab Energy Club” and member of the “Algerian Association for Renewable Energies”.

– Mr Zoheir Hamedi, IRENA




Mots de cloture

Leonidas Kioussis/Marco Berti Palazzi, DG ENER, EU Commission
Roberta Boniotti, Secretary General, MEDENER
Maged K. Mahmoud, Acting Executive Director, RCREEE

In line with the European policy towards its Southern neighbourhood countries, in particular the recent Joint EEAS-EC Communication “Renewed partnership with the Southern Neighbourhood, a new agenda for the Mediterranean“ released on Tuesday 9/2/21, and partner countries’ objectives in their energy and climate change transition, MeetMED II project aims at contributing to enhancing energy security of beneficiary countries while fostering their transition to low carbon economy. This shall contribute to more stable, efficient, competitive and climate-resilient socioeconomic contexts. A first project phase (MEETMED I, from 2018-2020) has paved the way for this second project phase (2021-2024) by identifying specific bottlenecks to address on the theme of energy efficiency in the building and appliances sectors. Indeed, the building sector is one of the largest energy-consuming sectors, responsible from 20% up to 35% of energy consumption of the meetMED target countries.

Considering the demographic growth and rapid urbanization of these countries, energy efficiency in the building sector is already at the core of the existing National Energy Efficiency Action Plans (NEEAPs).

This second phase aims at strengthening the implementation of EE measures and improving countries’ energy mix by focusing on building and appliances’ sectors. The multiscale, multi-partner and inclusive approach at local and regional levels will foster regional cooperation. The project aims at supporting the massive deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency measures in building and appliances’ sectors (Sub-objective 1), while at the same time increasing public awareness on energy’s major stakes and challenges, and needed investments in these sectors (Sub-objective 2).

The design and implementation of the MEETMED project is entrusted to MEDENER, which is an international no-profit organization gathering agencies from North and South of the Mediterranean region in charge of implementing public policies on energy efficiency and promotion of renewable energy sources; and to the Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE), which is an intergovernmental organization aiming to enable and increase the adoption of renewable energy and energy efficiency practices in the Arab region. Experts will be mobilized around tackling regulatory matters as well as technical, financial and social issues, from the identification of projects to their implementation and monitoring phases. Based on the experimentation of several new tools and actions, it will act from the local up to the regional level, and increase the sharing of experience for more robust and impactful measures to be widely replicated.

This kick-off meeting aims at :

  • Presenting the meetMED II project’s content, action plan and implementation strategy
  • Gathering comments and recommendations from external partners on the challenges and project’s priorities
  • Identifying possible synergies with key regional stakeholders and seeking for their mobilization to enrich the project’s results and impact

Simultaneous interpretation on Zoom will be provided in French / English / Arabic



Registration of participants


Opening remarks

Stefano Dotto, DG NEAR, EU Commission

Giorgio Graditi, President, MEDENER

Giorgio Graditi is the Director of the Department of Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources of ENEA. He received the doctoral degree and the Laurea degree (cum laude) in Electrical Engineering and received the national qualification as Full Professor in the sector of electrical energy engineering. His main research interests are: design, modelling and tools development for the control and management of Smart Grids and microgrids in the presence of DER; power system design and control; integrated energy networks by multi-objective techniques; design, management, control and optimization of multi-energy hubs; renewable energy resources and renewable energy communities; smart sector integration; demand response; PV, CSP electrical and thermal design, characterization and testing; RES production and demand forecasting based on artificial intelligence techniques. He is author of more than 250 scientific papers (with
H-index 33) published in international journals and proceedings of international conference, most of them awarded as highly cited papers. He is also peer review, associated editor, member of editorial and advisory board of scientific journals, and chairman in international conferences. He is responsible of many R&D contracts and agreements in the energy sector with international and national stakeholders. Since April 2019, he is the President of MEDENER, Mediterranean Association of National Agencies for Energy Management for energy efficiency and the development of renewable energy sources, and since May 2019 is the Coordinator of the Scientific Technical Committee of National Energy Technological Cluster under the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research. He is a member of IEA task 11 “PV Hybrid systems within mini-grids” and task 14 “High penetration of PV systems in electricity grids” and of Italian Electrotechnical Committee (CEI) CT 82 “Solar photovoltaic”, CT 316 “Connection to LV, MV and HV distribution networks” and CT 313 “Smart grids”. He is operating as Italian member for Mission

Innovation Challenge 1 “Smart Grids” and Challenge 2 “Off-grid access to electricity”, and he is a member of the working group of the thematic area “Industrial Energy” for the “Climate, Energy and Sustainable Mobility” area set up by the Italian Ministry of University and Research within the drafting of the national research plan 2020-2027. He is the vice-coordinator of the Joint Programme on Smart Grid (JP SG) within European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) and the responsible of many National and European (FP7, H2020) projects on the topics of RES, integrated energy networks and smart grid.

Maged K. Mahmoud, Acting Executive Director, RCREEE

M. Mahmoud is a sustainable energy expert and the Acting executive Director of RCREEE. He has joined RCREEE in 2011, where he played a key role in formulating renewable energy (RE) strategies and introducing respective implementation mechanisms focusing on increased reliance on private sector. Dr. Mahmoud is an active member of the League of Arab States RE/EE Committee and since 2013 he has been leading the regional “Private Investment Promotion Portfolio”, where several business models and instruments have been explored to support both utility- and small-scale developers, and to assess the economic and social impacts. He has also served for 20 years at the Egyptian New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA). Among his key achievements, he contributed significantly to setting the Egyptian RE 2022 strategy targeting 20% renewables share, and in the design of the “best-fit” policies and measures for the strategy implementation. He deeply contributed to planning and contracting several megawatts of wind energy projects amounting to more than 700 million USD. Dr. Mahmoud holds the “Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research Award for Development and Innovations in Renewable Energy” since 2001. He has managed and contributed to over 40 research projects and studies in the sustainable energy fields in collaboration with national and international organizations.


Session 1 – Round table on regional priorities

Moderator: Ashraf Kraidy, RCREEE

A. Kraidy is an electrical engineer, RE and EE expert with more than 15 years of expertise in cost-effective policies design, support institution capabilities, technical assistance, and implementation strategies in the Arab region. Since 2016, he serves as Planning Director at the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE), where he is in charge of organizational planning, fundraising and communication development of RCREEE. Mr. Kraidy has participated in several projects, strategic activities and initiatives serving the transformation of the Arab region towards the adoption of sustainable energy solutions. He started his career in 2002 at the Syrian Ministry of Electricity in Damascus. In 2009, he started his working experience at RCREEE as a Senior Energy Expert and Initiations Portfolio Manager. In 2013, he was assigned to work as a Senior Advisor to the Energy Department at the League of Arab States on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Building (BMUB). Mr. Kraidy obtained his master’s degree in Power Engineering in 2009, specializing on EE labels and standards for home appliances.

- Dr. Nouri Al Kishriwi, Energy Department, LAS,

Associate professor in Mechanical Engineering. In 2007, he has received his PhD. from RWTH Aachen University-Germany. In 1992, he started his career at the University of Tripoli. Currently, he is working as an energy advisor at the League of Arab States (LAS), specialized as an energy advisor for energy efficiency and Renewable energy. He has several years of experience in working with national and international partners in the fields of energy policy and strategies as well as in setting up EE and RE programs, energy audits, and energy management systems. He has also conducting many techno-economic feasibility studies for the implementation of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects

- M. Fethi Hanchi, Directeur Général de l’ANME, Tunisia

Since 2011, F. Hanchi has been the Director of the Division for the Rational Use of Energy at ANME. As such, he has been in charge of the management and coordination of energy efficiency programs and activities in the tertiary, residential, building and transport sectors in Tunisia. His portfolio also includes a national programme for energy efficiency in the public sector, energy efficiency conventions with local authorities, as well as national and Mediterranean cooperation projects. Graduated in mechanical engineering, Mr Hanchi has more than 19 years of experience in energy efficiency. He has been actively involved in the energy sector reform in Tunisia and contributed designing, implementing and evaluating energy efficiency programs in the country. He has a solid track record in the economic and managerial aspects of energy efficiency. Since March 2019, he has been nominated General Director at ANME.

- M. Tahar Moussaoui, APRUE, Algeria

T. Moussaoui is an architect from the Polytechnic School of Architecture and Urbanism of Algiers, specialized in Bioclimatic. He dedicated himself entirely to the energy efficiency of the building and more particularly to the building envelope.
He started his professional career in design offices and property developers, and then he joined the research center for the development of renewable energy (CDER), performing on their behalf various missions namely, realization, project management, and research. These experiences were exciting and very beneficial, allowing acquiring diverse and varied experiences related to the Architect’s profession.
Currently at the Head of the Communication, Training and International Cooperation Directorate within the National Agency for the Promotion and Rationalization of Energy Use, APRUE, insuring the management of the energy efficiency projects of the Agency, energy auditor and professional trainer.

- M. Radouane Yessouf, AMEE, Morocco

Radouan YESSOUF is a Certified Energy Manager CEM and CMVP, specialized in building energy, graduated from the University of Liège in Belgium. He joined the Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency AMEE in 2011 as manager of Energy Efficiency in the Building. He was the coordinator of the Regional Program for the Development of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the Oriental in Morocco, led by ADEREE and UNDP. He is a certified trainer in building energy and supervisor of several Master’s theses and final dissertations. He is also president of an association for local development and environmental protection.

Deputy Chairman New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA), Egypt


Session 2 – Overview of meetMED II project

Moderator: Roberta Boniotti – Secretary General, MEDENER

Roberta Boniotti is Secretary General of MEDENER, the Mediterranean Association of National Agencies for Energy Management, since 2016, and Advisor on International and European Affairs at ENEA “Institutional Affairs, EU and International Relations Unit”, in Brussels, since 2010. Previously, she was a Member of Board of Directors and Chair/Member of Board of Auditors in several private research companies in the energy and environment field, member of the ENEA Spin-off Committee, responsible for Business Plans’ evaluation (1999-2006), and Head of Unit “Company Relations Management” at ENEA Headquarters in Rome (2006-2010). Roberta Boniotti is an economist, holds a Master in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Bologna, and has more than 20 years of experience in the sectors of energy, the environment, and sustainable economic development. She is ENEA representative in the EnR, the European Energy Network, and in the EEFIG, the Energy Efficiency Financial Institution Group, managed by the EU Commission, aiming at accelerating private finance to energy efficiency. She has been working as a member of the Advisory Board of Sustainable Energy Investments Forums Initiative (EU Commission and several financial and non-financial institutions) for some years, and she was a member of the Africa Europe High-Level Platform for sustainable energy investment in Africa, in the working group “Business models and sustainable energy investments”. She is member of the Executive Working group of TAFTIE, the European association of leading Innovation Agencies, and animator of the “High potential SME Community” managed by Euroquity (BPIFrance). She has been involved in different EU funded projects, drafting and budgeting several projects, including the recent meetMED (phase I and II) “Mitigation enabling Energy Transition in the Mediterranean region”.

Overview of meetMED II approach and timelines

- Ms Alicia Tsitsikalis, ADEME

Socio-economist and policy framework analyst, A. Tsitsikalis graduated from the Institute of the Political Studies (IEP) of Paris and holds a master’s degree in Industrial development and project evaluation from the IEDES-Sorbonne in Paris. She has been working for 12 years for an international NGO, the GRET, both on the field – Mauritania (2006-2009) and Cambodia (2015-2017) – and in the headquarters, undertaking several missions on water, sanitation and solid waste management projects in several low-income countries in Africa and Asia. Since 2018, she has been working for the French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME), where she is responsible for bilateral and regional cooperation in Mediterranean countries. Her fields of expertise are related to governance issues and policy implementation on environment related topics (governance, economic management, capacity building, transverse studies and diagnosis).
She assumes the role of project manager for meetmed II project.

Panel of presentations :

- Alessandro Federici, ENEA,

A. Federici has been a researcher at ENEA since 2007. Currently, he is the Head of the Monitoring Laboratory of energy efficiency policies at ENEA’s Department for Energy Efficiency. Since 2016, he has been the coordinator of ENEA’s working group dealing with the Italian National Energy Efficiency Action Plans and the Annual Reports to the European Commission, and providing support to the Ministry of Economic Development in the revision process of EE Directives. He is the project leader of the ENEA’s Energy Efficiency Annual Reports and Tax Deduction Scheme Annual Report. He is the Italian delegate in the Energy Efficiency Working Party of the International Energy Agency (IEA), in the Executive Committee of the International Partnership for the Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC), and in the Implementation Working Group for Energy Efficiency in Industry (IWG6) of the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan).

- Ms Rim Boukhchina, RCREEE,

R. Boukhchina is a project manager and senior sustainable energy expert at RCREEE. She is involved in various projects related to renewable energy and energy efficiency deployment in the Arab region. Her activities include analysis and design of RE and EE projects, development of RE and EE National Action Plans, assessment of RE integration to the grid, design and the implementation of RE and EE policies and strategies and planning and implementation of capacity development activities in RE and EE fields. She is a senior technical expert with more than 20 years’ experience in strategic studies, Planning and developing RE projects. She started her career as energy planner in the Tunisian Utility of Electricity and Gas (STEG) and was involved in various domains related to new technologies studies, EE and demand side management, and renewable energy for electricity production and sustainable development. Mrs. Boukhchina has also been deeply involved in several Euro-Mediterranean projects and studies in the sustainable energy fields in collaboration with national and international organizations (EU, OME, WB, GIZ, IRENA, UNDP…).

- Ms. Marie-Pierre Meillan, ADEME,

Marie-Pierre Meillan is an engineer and economist with the International Division of the French Agency for an Ecological Transition (ADEME), coordinating international buildings and city projects. Previously, she worked 8 years as an engineer with ADEME’s regional office in Brittany to support local authorities in promoting energy efficiency in buildings and developing strategies climate and energy strategies for the building sector

- Ms. Sara Elhag, RCREEE,

S. Ibrahim is a Senior Renewable Energy Expert heading the SE Project Implementation and Private Investment Promotion Unit at the RCREEE, where she works in achieving the centre’s goals of spreading the use of clean energy systems and increasing the adoption of renewable energies in the Arab World region. Her responsibilities include the design, management and implementation of Renewable Energies (RE) and Energy Efficiency (EE) projects. Coming from the engineering field, Ms Ibrahim has a very competitive academic background. She is a former Chevening Scholar and a certified Project Manager (PMP) who holds two master degrees from one of the highly esteemed universities in the United Kingdom (The University of Leeds) from which she received an MSc in Sustainable Energy Systems and another MSc in Electrical Engineering and both were awarded with distinctions. Her exceptional work during the Master of Sustainable energy systems has awarded her two prizes for the research project and the Academic Performance. During her work in the National Electricity Corporation (NEC), Sudan, she received an award from the GM for her work in the National Load Dispatch Centre (NLDC) project where she worked as a senior electrical engineer at first and later as the manager of Khartoum zone. Previously, she worked in the consultancy field where she was a Unit Manager in a leading consultancy company in her home country Sudan.

- Ms. Noha Gamal ElDin, RCREEE

Ms. Gamal El Din is a senior executive with over 20 years’ national, regional and international experience in Government Relations, Strategic Communications, Youth development and Human Capital Management . She currently holds the position of Director of Operations and Member States Relations at RCREEE. She has over 20 years of extensive experience in Public Affairs, Community Development and Strategic Communication.

She joined RCREEE in 2010 and has since been responsible for maintaining strategic communications with Member States representatives , organizing key Internal and External Relations engagements at Ministerial level. She has a proven record of over 400 regional campaigns and events in the field. In addition, she led all Human Resources affairs, and for 9 years has successfully managed the Arab Sustainable Energy Youth™ (APSEY) with almost 100 of young interns now turned professionals in the field of Sustainable Energy.


Session 3 – Round table on regional initiatives

Moderator:Florentine Visser, Senior Advisor of the Energy Team at Global Affairs - International Development Department of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (

Florentine Visser (Msc.) is senior advisor in the Energy Team of the International Development Department at the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). In the Energy Transition Facility, commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she develops bilateral knowledge exchange with selected governments.

Florentine has a longstanding experience in energy efficient building in the Netherlands and MENA region, ranging from design and construction to strategic policy advise. Graduate from the Building Engineering Faculty, at the Eindhoven University of Technology (NL) and award winner in competitions on water and energy efficient building.

- Ms Helen Nasser (GiZ) - PEEB program in Morocco and Tunisia and perspectives

Helen Naser is an advisor at the Programme for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (PEEB), an initiative of the French and German governments. She currently coordinates GIZ’s PEEB implementation in Tunisia and Morocco. An economist by training, she has devoted much of her professional life to energy transition challenges and more particularly energy efficiency in the buildings sector from a public policy and finance perspective. She worked for GIZ and consultancy companies among others in Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco.

- M. Bernard Massabo, EEB Community (Interreg MED Project)

Bernard MASSABO is an engineer from the rench « Ecole des Ponts Paris Tech » Engineering School.
After graduating, he has been working for the private sector at international level.
He joined fifteen years ago the Local Authority Nice Cote d’Azur Metropolis, on the urban planning and development side.
Since five years, he has been appointed General Secretary of the Euromed Cities Network.
Gathering more than 150 cities from the EU and the MED Basin, the Euromed Cities Network aims at strengthening the transborder cooperation in the Mediterranean region by implementing projects related to innovation, fight against climate change, notably energy efficiency, waste and water management, youth employment, security, …

- Ms Blanca Moreno-Dodson, Center for Mediterranean Integration

Blanca Moreno-Dodson is the Manager of the Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI), a partnership between the World Bank and several national, regional, and local authorities from around the Mediterranean, as well as international financial institutions and civil society.
She has over twenty-eight years of experience as a World Bank development economist, including several positions as Lead Economist, mainly for the Global Tax Team, the West Africa Region, the Investment Climate Department, and the Office of the Vice-President for Poverty Reduction and Economic Management. As a Senior Economist, she previously worked at the World Bank Institute, the West Africa Region, and the Corporate Strategy Group of the World Bank. Her regional experience includes the Middle East and North Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Sub-Saharan Africa, and East Asia (China, India, and Indonesia). She started her career as a Robert Shuman scholar at the European Parliament and as junior economist at the European Commission, before joining the World Bank Group.
Moreno-Dodson authored and co-authored five books throughout her career including “Enhancing Mediterranean Integration” (CMI, 2020), “Winning the Tax Wars, Tax Competition and Cooperation” (Wolters Kluwer, 2017), “Is Fiscal Policy the Answer? A Developing Country Perspective” (World Bank, 2013), “Public Finance for Poverty Reduction. Case Studies for Africa and Latin America” (World Bank, 2006) and “Scaling Up Poverty Reduction” (World Bank, 2005). She has also been published in several internationally renowned economic journals, such as the Bulletin of Economic Research, Hacienda Pública Española, the USA National Tax Association Journal, and Banca d’Italia Annual Volumes.
She is a member of the Alumni Strategic Council of the Aix-Marseille University, France, and of the Steering Committee of the Navarra Center for International Development, Spain, and a guest lecturer at Duke University, USA, and Aix-Marseille University, France.
Moreno-Dodson holds a Ph.D. as well as a Masters (Diplome D’Etudes Approfondies) in International Economics and Finance from the University of Aix-Marseille, France, in addition to a Masters (Licenciatura) in Economics from the University Autonomous of Madrid, Spain. Originally from Zaragoza, Spain, she is fluent in Spanish, French, English, and Portuguese.

- Mme Radia Sedaoui, UN-ESCWA

Ms. Radia Sedaoui is the Chief of the Energy Section in the Climate Change and Natural Resource Sustainability Cluster of the UN Economic Social Commission of West Asia (ESCWA).
Ms. Sedaoui has an extensive experience in energy policy advice, renewable energy and energy efficiency, energy modeling, water-energy-food nexus, economic diversification and climate change policies and technologies, petroleum economics, oil and gas fiscal regimes and energy market developments.
Ms. Radia previously served as Head Statistics and Gas Modeling Department at the Intergovernmental Organization of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum and previously held several senior positions in Algeria with “Sonatrach” as Director of Strategy and Corporate, Head Portfolio management and member of the Board of Directors of Sonatrach affiliates in Upstream, Midstream and Trading.
Ms. Sedaoui holds a Bachelor of Industrial Engineering, master’s in petroleum economics and master’s degree in business administration. Ms. Radia is the President of the “Arab Energy Club” and member of the “Algerian Association for Renewable Energies”.

- Mme Radia Sedaoui, UN-ESCWA

Ms. Radia Sedaoui is the Chief of the Energy Section in the Climate Change and Natural Resource Sustainability Cluster of the UN Economic Social Commission of West Asia (ESCWA).
Ms. Sedaoui has an extensive experience in energy policy advice, renewable energy and energy efficiency, energy modeling, water-energy-food nexus, economic diversification and climate change policies and technologies, petroleum economics, oil and gas fiscal regimes and energy market developments.
Ms. Radia previously served as Head Statistics and Gas Modeling Department at the Intergovernmental Organization of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum and previously held several senior positions in Algeria with “Sonatrach” as Director of Strategy and Corporate, Head Portfolio management and member of the Board of Directors of Sonatrach affiliates in Upstream, Midstream and Trading.
Ms. Sedaoui holds a Bachelor of Industrial Engineering, master’s in petroleum economics and master’s degree in business administration. Ms. Radia is the President of the “Arab Energy Club” and member of the “Algerian Association for Renewable Energies”.

- Mr Zoheir Hamedi, IRENA

Zoheir Hamedi is the MENA Programme Officer at IRENA. Previous professional experiences included: Assistant-Professor at Qatar University, teaching energy policy courses in the Public Policy programme of the university; Researcher at the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, Doha Institute, Qatar; Senior Executive at the Algerian National Oil Company, SONATRACH, in the Planning, Strategy and Economics Department (SPE); and Climate Security and Energy Affairs Officer at the British Embassy in Algiers.

He graduated with a BA in Political Science and Economics from the American University in Cairo, with a focus on Middle East politics and international relations; and an MA in International Relations from Nantes University in France, with a focus on NATO security strategy in the Mediterranean basin from 1949 to 2000; and a PhD from Durham University in the UK: a future study focusing on the political economy of energy transitions in the GCC countries.




Closing remarks

Leonidas Kioussis/Marco Berti Palazzi, DG ENER, EU Commission
Roberta Boniotti, Secretary General, MEDENER
Maged K. Mahmoud, Acting Executive Director, RCREEE


Download the presentations from the event

Session 2

Overview of meetMED II project

الجلسة الثانية: نبذة حول الملمرحلة الثانية من مشرشروع meetMED

Overview of meetMED II

WP 2 – Strategies and policies

WP 3 – Promote Energy Efficiency in buildings

WP6 – Overview

Session 3

Round table on regional initiatives

الجلسة الثالثة: دائرة نقاش حول الملمبادرات الإلإقليمية

Upscaling energy efficiency through regional initiatives and collaboration

PEEB Perspectives

Efficient Buildings